I am your dad AMA

I am your dad AMA

why did you die?

am i gay

This image is the best I can do...

OP is a fag

why didnt you tell me to pull the skin back on my uncut dick you jerk

Why didn't you wear a condom?

why did you threaten my mom when she left with me and then not pay child support until you got put in jail but in the meantime would spend nearly entire paychecks on drugs? how do you win nearly 100k off of a scratch off and lose it within a year? hows jail? See you in a few months on a surprise visit

i fucking hate you. take responsibility and kill yourself in front of me

its been 20 years dad, did you finally get your cigarettes?

Son, this is why I beat you and your mother incessantly and left

Because you're a huge fag

Next question

damnit dad go to bed! you need to get up soon and go to work to support your failed adult children

who are you, seriously? you're my father and i love you, but i do not like who you are anymore and i am quite sure you do not like me either however the difference is i don't purposely act petty and foolish in some silly attempt to prove something where as you do constantly to anyone whom you feel challenges your ego and that is extremely disappointing because i've lost all respect for you. also, as much as you think you know about my life from where ever the fuck you get your information guess what you do not know a fucking single goddamn thing and you never will.


why dont you die already old man?

Fuck off nigger

Beat me to it, dem feels. Pic related.

Why did you insist on surviving the Korean War?

Why did you verbally abuse everyone else in the house? Why did you care more about alcohol and cigarettes then your family?

Why did it take you eight years to go get cigarettes?

How is it being dead?