Name one thing you agree with leftists on

There's gotta be something. Here, I'll start.

Recreational drugs should be totally and completely legalized with no conditions.

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This isn't Sup Forums

Communes make everything easier.


Abortion is good

Cities should be designed with public transport in mind. People who drive will have to cover the expenses themselves, with no subsidization by the city's inhabitants.

I agree then I'd finally be able to get a job because everyone else would be fucking themselves over

Just means more opportunities for sober people in the long run

Pls legalize all drugs plsssss

I believe abortion has a utility in certain medical emergencies; I do not believe it should be used because a club slut didn't keep her legs closed.

Approaching all political issues in a dichotomous, leftist snowflake vs right-wing bigot manner shows how utterly worthless you are as a voter.

Society is far too complex for that, you don't even care about America, just getting back at leftists and republicans

But that's libertarian right/left

as if modern Sup Forums knows the difference

i agree with leftists on everything except for economics

race doesn't matter

seizing the means

Everything. Go back to Sup Forums and kill yourself.

>Recreational drugs should be totally and completely legalized with no conditions.

Leftists don't generally believe this, they just want weed legalized.

Universal healthcare and legalized heroin are not compatible


literally these

diversity is beautiful and a good thing for everyone.
more diverse the society=less xenophobia, racism, nazism and fewer conflicts and crimes based on any kind of xenophobia

well, I should specify, I mean it doesn't matter in terms of potential of a country to develop, has no bearing on what drives people to have more crime and be shittier than others, it doesn't matter; skin and body shape is just a mask. I guess I think the reason for different development levels of historical civilizations is the environment theory. I don't think that in a nation-state, any member of any race can assimilate in huge numbers. In small numbers yes, but not big ones. I like what de gaulle said:

>It is very good that there be yellow Frenchmen, black Frenchmen, brown Frenchmen. They prove that France is open to all races and that she has a universal mission. But on the condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are after all primarily a European people of the white race, of Greek and Latin culture, and of the Christian faith. Try to mix oil and vinegar. Shake the bottle. In a moment they will separate again. Arabs are Arabs and French are French. Do you believe that the French nation can absorb ten million Muslims, who perhaps tomorrow will be twenty million and the day after forty million? If we adopt integration, if all the Arabs and Berbers of Algeria were considered as Frenchmen, what would prevent them from coming to settle in mainland France where the standard of living is so much higher? My village would no longer be called Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, but Colombey-les-deux-Mosquées!


Yes, holy SHIT and nobody's worse than the US here

>more diverse the society=less xenophobia, racism, nazism and fewer conflicts and crimes based on any kind of xenophobia

That's the exact opposite of the truth

More diversity = More racial tension = More race based hatred = More conflict = More crimes based on racially rooted conflict

Homogeneous societies are the best way to avoid racism and hate crimes.

t. bitter virgin
no one can force a woman to keep the child. that's literally like the most anti-human thing ever. anti-abortion monkeys basically want to turn woman into some sort of living incubator

Literally everything

but the problem is that homogenous societies can't exist anymore. national state is joke.
also i'm talking mostly about interbreeding. a person whose parents are of different races will be more tolerant. and his kids will be even more so.
interbreeding is a good thing.
the aesthetic is good

>but the problem is that homogenous societies can't exist anymore. national state is joke.

yeah but see that's symbolic of a whole lot of shit other than itself. you can't just so simply say "lol nationality is dead let's just forget about it" with huge consequences

I would have to agree that the world is a radically different place and change happens at a faster pace every day. But just saying fuck it all doesn't seem like a good solution.

anyway the goal of society isn't to be "tolerant", if a hapa kid is more "tolerant" he actually loses a lot of other shit. I mean, providing that's even true. I have some anecdotal evidence to the contrary at least.

by hapa I just mean part white anything really

Child welfare only.

>Drugs are degenerate
>Human beings are not equal
>Africans are inferior
>There are only two genders; Male and Female

Pretty much everything except immigration

As an addendum it is worth nothing that India, one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse countries in the world, is also by far one of the most racially and culturally intolerant ones.

Healthcare should be more accessible, but fuck abortion. I'm not paying so some whore who can't control her alcoholism literally murders her child.
Also, pot for everyone.

t. country with a 75% abortion rate

There is too much income inequality.

I'm a skilled worker and should be able to afford my own apartment, it was possible for older generations, but far too expensive now

But then how do you argue Japan, a 99% homogeneous country?

and bans muslims completely. Sounds like heaven

I personally don't think that's the kind of person who should be raising children anyway. Her kids would become shitty adults.

Abortion is better

Abortion is a very poor method of birth control anyway, it's expensive, invasive, dangerous to the woman's health, and could leave her sterilized. There's no need for that whatsoever when you can buy birth control devices at your local Wal-Mart.

Universal vaccination programs. They save lives and money.

Pornography is a social necessity since it acts as a dummy or pacifier to allow people to indulge their sexual fantasies without going out and raping.

yes and i see nothing wrong with it. if a woman wants to abort the child she is free to do it

Gays should have more parental rights than breeding couples. Jus sayin

The state of israel should be destroyed

If it prevents more Russians from being born, then not such a bad thing, no?

Someone take this guy's car keys

>one of the most racially and culturally intolerant ones.


Mate I'm a pajeet and none of that is true! The north hates the south every district hates eachother we all hate Bangladeshis we all hate paki's, The hindus hate the muslims and the christians the Christians hate all the rest the muslims blow themselves up!
Not to mention the hate between darker and lighter indians!

Fuck man you almost had me there what a moron

>There's no need for that whatsoever when you can buy birth control devices at your local Wal-Mart.

Clearly there is since birth control devices are available and people still, you know, need abortions.

Sure banning abortions would drive SOME people to be more careful, but the people who wouldn't are the very most reckless, exactly the people we most DON'T want to be raising kids.

I don't get it

That's exactly what I said.

India is racially and culturally intolerant, meaning that everyone hates each other.

That's LITERALLY what I said

What even the fuck

i would like to see more russians being born but we can't forcefully make women give a birth to russian kids.
also don't forget that many of those girls get impregnated not only by russian so many of suck kids would be mixed. i'm not saying that's mixed kids are a bad thing, just responding to your question that says 'russians'

Who is pooing in the loo now!

The abortion rate in the US dramatically fell off after the early 80s. Really, the only demographic that still gets them in significant numbers are blacks.

>Really, the only demographic that still gets them in significant numbers are blacks.

Like I said, the people we most don't want to be raising kids.

I have several things:

>services such as education and healthcare should be both publicly owned and publicly funded
>we should have a strong centralised state, and the most important corporations should be publicly owned
>rigid collective agreements should prevent employers from treating their employees like shit
>shit like TTIP should never be allowed to plague us
>it's fully acceptable to have higher taxes to pay for all this

That's because like Chappelle implied, we're not good at planning, and planned parenthood is for people who don't plan at all

Anyway, it's hard to find abortion clinics and there's a huge social stigma about using them. If you have one in your town, it will probably get picketed routinely and the staff get regular death threats.


What the fuck is a "leftist? Sounds like Sup Forums speak for anyone who isn't some cancerous traditional conservative.


It kinda is, but usually, it's not applied to traditional socialists.

A "leftist" is more a term for a liberal who is perfectly fine with exploiting and mistreating the poor, as long as it's done in an inclusive and politically correct way.

>I'd finally be able to get a job because everyone else would be fucking themselves over
Alcohol already exists so the premise of your condition is meaningless.
The real reason you can't get work is because you're worthless as a human being, user.

This. Fuck off op nigger

Communism is good.

I still don't get it

I'll list the conditions under which abortion is acceptable:

*The mother is under 16 or over 38
*The baby would have obvious birth defects (Down's, anencephaly, etc)
*The mother could not give birth safely

That about covers it.

Dutch politics aren't two dimensional.

Our extreme left tends to defend values like privacy better though, which I agree on.

What about post-natal abortions? If the mother or father doesn't like the little shit?

The one thing I agree with them on is probably the whole communism thing.

I also believe that class is the most universal of all social categories.

I'm sorry your father beat you, Ali.

Would anencephaly even count as abortion? Technically, delivery of an anencephalic fetus is a stillbirth. It was spontaneously aborted when its forebrain failed to develop, the main body was just left in the womb.

That's called infanticide.

They usually live a few hours/days if born alive. Most of them are aborted, but occasionally the parents decide to have the baby to donate its organs. Or they're extreme Christfags.

Everything except anything that forces me to believe in something.

Backwards ameritard.

He almost never did, he maintained a strict disciplinary code. We were more afraid of disappointing him than getting beat.

Classical Obstetric classification, spontaneous vs. induced/elective so it wouldn't have similar legal significance unless you somehow find a way to reproduce the chemical sequence that leads to it or worse, induces it.

But do you think that a child should grow up with a club slut as its mother?

Why do pro-lifers stop giving a shit about babbies as soon as they're born?

I am a leftist, check your privilege your Sup Forumsfaggot, fuck off and and stop assuming everyone shares your retarded worldview.

This is guy who got some bitch pregnant and she won't abort it because Christard and now he has to pay for it.

I am Russian, Comunist.

Its funny how all of these positions (abortion rights, environmentalism, legalizing drugs etc.) are always considered to be Leftist positions while in reality there are a fuckton of people (and even many experts/thinkers) who also support all of that but are rather right-leaning

Yet everythin bad from destroying nature to greedy corporations is linked with "le ebil Conservative Republicans"

The Left really has won the Culture War

Maybe the US system is different, but we define clinical death as brain death.

You think maybe it would encourage the whore to think twice before being boned in da club by 20 niggers?

I'm fairly left myself.
Really I only ever side against the left on certain radical social issues, but that's due to my ideologies being more classically liberal.

So in a country that criminalizes abortion, a person denying folic acid to the pregnant woman could be held liable?

Would you rather have kids that grow up in dysfunctional, poor family that didn't even want kids.

And if you claim that people who get unwanted pregnancies because they're "stupid sluts", would you really want them to raise kids?

I wished more people practiced birth control.
Poor people (which consist mostly out of immigrants here) poop out so much kids, it's worrying and I believe unsustainable in the long run.

fuck economic lobbys. They should have no say in politics.

I guess "alive" in the sense that the heart and other organs are functioning, since those are controlled by the brain stem. And check out the extreme Christfags arguing in the comment section here (although this baby did have some cortical material and wasn't completely braindead).

lower the age of concent to 16

But assuming she still does get boned? Do you think it will be good for a child to grow up in that environment?

People fuck like rabbits and get pregnant, regardless of stigmas around abortion. It's more noticable among poor people, but it's definitly a thing.

Abortion is one of few ways in which we can halt the negative consequences of poor people fucking like rabbits. We'll end up with less neglected children who become criminals and youth delinquents.

More abortions could probably halt the massive population growth in Africa, too.

>I wished more people practiced birth control.
>Poor people (which consist mostly out of immigrants here) poop out so much kids, it's worrying and I believe unsustainable in the long run

It's inevitable since Europeans don't have enough kids and immigrants end up being needed for unskilled labor.

That was covered in

Very very untenable, she could eat leafy greens have that myelinization folate

Also we have thousands of abortions here, brown and black college girls need some lovin', some guy said there was lots of lesbianism as well

It wasn't

Preventative birth control doesn't stop people needing abortions.

No, not even if they know before hand they can't get one legally.

We can force Europe to have kinds via brain washing.

Seriously what the hell is going on.

What the hell is going on, We have the technology.

Lower the age of concent to 16 and Spam porn 24/7

Boom kids.

>Preventative birth control doesn't stop people needing abortions
Uhhh wasn't that supposed to be whole point of birth control pills?

I heard other side of argument on Sup Forums the other day that birth control encourages promiscuity since whores will think twice if there's a chance of getting preggers.

>There's no need for that whatsoever when you can buy birth control devices at your local Wal-Mart.

Birth control is not bulletproof. They all have their failure rates, unless you go surgical.

Also mistakes and accidents, however dumb, do happen. You can say "well, it's your fault and now you have to deal with it", but then you just end up with disgruntled parents who aren't ready for a kid.

>It's inevitable since Europeans don't have enough kids and immigrants end up being needed for unskilled labor.

With automation on the rise, this well end in a lot of unemployed breeding machines.

>Sup Forums
What's their beef with abortion anyway?

Fetuses have no human cognition. Even though they are human, nothing resembling a human or even a babby will be lost.

>encourages promiscuity
Why would anyone care about promiscuity?

Contraceptives, HIV medicines and abortion effectively remove the dangers surrounding sexuality. The only reason to still complain about promiscuity after that is because other people having fun hurts your feefees.

the HIV rates are 60+% amongst blacks.

They are being imported to White countries mainstreem.

What the fuck...

Americans should perhaps consider, stop funding Israel.

Maybe its time to think about Only ourselves.

Its time to consider Letting Isreal go.

How do we stop supporting Israel, How do we go our own ways?

How do we honestly start to go our seperate ways?

How do we Start to seperate from Israel?