How come all guys go bananas over boobs? Webm rel. They're just two sacks of fat.
How come all guys go bananas over boobs? Webm rel. They're just two sacks of fat
you're just a sack of fat also, but i'de fuck ya
Because society in most countries tells us to.
We're to a degree brainwashed to find them attractive.
I thought they were bags of sand...
nigga we are all meat on some skeleton like why do you like vagina its just a hole into the area where there poo hole is like who gives a fuck go eat a cinnabon
Buttocks tend to have a lot of fat too. I'm not sure what your problem is.
He's a fag
Found the feminist
well its actually an evolutionary trait. All guys are butt guys. women developed larger breasts after we started walking upright. They needed to catch our attention again. So boobs are sexually the same as our original prize possession. that sweet tight ass
>sacks of fat
newfags don't know about collagen
They're giant, evolutionarily modified, sweat glands. But they're also soft and remind us of simpler, happier times.
because as infants we strive to caress our mouths around nipples of the mammary gland for survival, and so for the importance that boobs serve to life they are worshiped. If the thought of a plushy round meat pillow smothering your face as your tongue does figure eights around a perky nipple doesn't turn you on then kys fag
Now explain foot fetish
>They're just two sacks of fat
Wrong! They're two sacks of delicious, nutritious, boner causing goodness!
all fetishes are usually started very early on where a child learns to associate something perverse with sexual feelings as they are learning more. My own was that i started smelling my butt. now my girlfriend puts her fingers in my nose 18 years later as I cum inside her. mmm her butt fingers
this simply developed from people calling you a pedophile your entire life, see pedo is the Latin root for foot, meaning you a pedophile is someone with a sick sick foot fetish.
Paedophiles unite! Knowledge is power!
small feet are a sign of high estrogen
not society! nature!
why didnt you stay over tonight
no you fucking colossal dipshit. tits are specific to mammals (hence, mammary glands) and are essential to providing nutrients to newborns. that's why we love tits, because they'll provide healthy and strong offspring.