Steve Bannon recommends this book. How is this not racist?

Steve Bannon recommends this book. How is this not racist?

It actually claims that Indians have no social or religious qualms about premarital sex. You can be arrested in India for kissing. So... That's bullshit.

indians are filthy aboriginal niggers

It's sad what's happening to Europe and USA.

can someone tl;dr this book

A horde of Indians led by a shit eater with a deformed magical midget on his shoulder come by boat to overun Western society. The white people who are "culturally cucked" fail to do the "right thing" and kill them all and thus white society is overtaken by a horde of brown people. Because the brown people have no sexual qualms and even have an orgy on the way they outbreed whites. Children fucking and incest everywhere.

Oh. I forgot that the hero of the story goes around murdering liberals and immigrants. Can't forget that. It's like something out of southpark. Only apparently the author was serious.

instead of indians its mexican niggers flooding the usa

As opposed to all the white niggers?

In the book it's blacks who overrun America. It's definitely racist and makes no sense.

whites built america you dirty are just a parasite running away from your filthy favela slums

It is racist.


Slaves built America. You idiot

retarded monkey detected...slaves were like mules or you could say many types of animals helped

Breitbart has run several articles about this book. The alt right love it. It's incredibly unabashedly racist. What's funny about that is that it's so mainstream to be a bigot now that it barely registers. Shit eating immigrants?

I'm a white Jew. Like the third in line to be the president of the Confederacy. Still, just no. Slaves aren't like mules. They're much more sophisticated equipment.

pick one ...jews are dirty sand niggers

jews are ugly sand niggers

the civil war destroyed the economy
the country had to start from scratch afterwards

Slavery built the economy and the war temporarily broke it. That's not a myth. If not for the slave economy America wouldn't have been much of a country.

which explains why the north - without slavery - had a stronger economy and stronger army. makes sense.

They didn't have a stronger army and they had to cut off trade in order to weaken the south. It's like you failed history class. If not for economic downturn the south wouldn't have freaked out and it wouldn't have escalated to war.

jews started slavery tho..


you should still explain your case that the entire country was built on slavery. until here that is still just an assertion.

While cotton prices were at an all-time high the problem was keeping it going. The fear of a bubble was already known and the constant expansion of the industry was not going to be possible with the regulations the united States had put on slavery. No more slaves brought from Africa allowed. The money was all tied up in business. Liquid the north was better off but... You don't seem to understand economy. Or war. As a newly established country the south didn't have the political ties to arm themselves quickly enough. They raised the armory but that put them at a disadvantage because the north could get newer more advanced weapons. The south had to rely on the French.

jews were the ones who reintroduced modern europeans to slavery

The economy was built on slavery. Even in New York you had slave plantations at one point and that's why England established colonies in the first place. They're money making machines. The Brits didn't mind slavery so long as they didn't have to see it.

Not even close to true. The Norse brought a renewed interest in slavery to Europe after the Romans, which is why places the Norse historically immigrated to became culturally ok with slavery. France and England for example... I could write an essay.

an essay of jew lies lol

word nigga, word

Breitbart was literally run from Bannons basement. 4 full time staffers, and the writers are a bunch of bullshit artists emailing articles in.

also it is illegal in the town that Bannon lives in to run a business in a residential zoned building.
fire code and shit.

steve bannon is a faggot supreme.

The real irony there is that Andrew Breitbart was an anti racist Jewish conservative. Not a pro racist fascist.

jews cant be classified as liberal or conservative etc...they are weasels who will flip on a dime


>Non-whites breeding like animals
>We must save the White race
>Kill'em all
A piece of comedy. That's it.

Everyone who looks slightly similar is the same person. Elijah Wood played Harry Potter.