The SJWs were right about Trump

>the SJWs were right about Trump
We should have voted for Hillary you guys.

user, you have to go back.

>still a better president then hitlery

>starts ww3
>trumpsters still make excuses for their dear leader

So shareblue do you get paid by the bump or by the post?

Yeah fuck those Syrians

>We should have voted for Hillary you guys.

No. Clinton is evil. Trump is amusing.


>inb4 shil posters

so are we going to war yet?

please god just let me be drafted.

No, Hillary is shit too. Vote for Stein or Johnson, let Trump win, expose the government for the shitstorm it is, and let the much needed change come.

Obama showed us that putting a (D) next to your name makes all your evil shit invisible. Trump might be worse in the short term than Clinton, but he's a face that the SJWs are willing to stand up to.

I hope it actually happens so you come to realise what a moron you've been.

>Clinton is evil. Trump is amusing.
both of these statements ar false.

Typical trumpfag





giving syria a dick smack for gassing their people is not starting wwiii


>trying to scare someone who wants to die and kill
yeah you know nothing about me.



Are you me?







you're too young to even be drafted.


nah, you're just experiencing growing pains.








Hurting Putins fragile ego is though unfortunately.




it's ironic because i'm most likely older than both of you.
let's see what other meme responses we can get.


Don't cut yourself on all that edge faggot.





Took you long enough faggot


nice. so far i've got under age meme and edge meme, we still need fedora meme, any takers? be creative though, maybe throw some Bog references in there?


not ironic. that would be unfortunate.

I believe you. Here's a nice meme. Have a great day sir.



Nuclear Annihilation is funny?
That's pretty edgy my dude




Hillary would've turned America into Brazil.

No shit Sherlock





you could be really young though, it's a mystery.




What did you do last two months?




>acts like an angsty teenager
>thinks it's a good argument to point out that he's an adult behaving like an angsty teenager


>spending $60,000,000 to destroy an airfield, that was operational the very next day is not starting wwiii. It is a tremendous joke.








it's not about the damage. it's about sending a message


Sinners repent. The end is near.



I've never heard this spending argument until trump got in. Like did he personally go and take your money the other day to pay for this shit?

Is there a more cost effective way to use this missle you can tell me?

He's a little less amusing than we expected and a whole lot dumber but I'd rather fight Syrians in my backyard than to vote for that cunt







