Gf sometimes lets me to make sexy shoots of her, rate and comment for more

Gf sometimes lets me to make sexy shoots of her, rate and comment for more

She is very good, moar plz

Moar tits & cleavage user!
What are you shooting with?

Nice body

Tell your girl to stop eatting so much Burger King.

Also check these dubs


I'll rate 8 out of 10
Shots of ass needed


looks great. post ass

why what


OP can post a photo of anything that slightly resembles a female human and Sup Forums will like it


but that is a nice body

Very beautiful, and now naked(:³)

why are you so sad user?


nice body but something is wrong with her face user, you should get that checked out

Full frontal

holy fuck more

rate her


Moar moar moar moar

9/10 those tits look amazing

I bet she's very tight

her body is easily a 10 user


yes, they are the best tits i had in my life

tnx guys,im glad that you like her

Free those titties

she is a 10!

your photography skills aren't great, most of these look like random Kodak disposable camera shots.

work on framing better (rule of 3s) and for sexy/boudoir photos making them black and white ups the "artistic" factor

she is very attractive though

Shut up faggot

im not a photographer i know. I was also too horny during shooting to think about thta lol

another one

Its actually not bad advice
composition is everything.
just more practice, and try different lighting.
itll just give you an excuse to take more photos, which will inevitably lead to sex.
have fun user, keep trying.

any with your cock in her mouth?

Exactly. Fuck that photo critiquing fedora faggot...he doesn't even have a bang piece to photograph and fuck.

i have sex everyday with her anyway but ill try to make better shoots

Need to see her fully nude

You sound so desperate. Fuck you man.

>inevitably lead to sex

You ever take shots of a chick half as hot? No? Go back to your trap thread faggot

Very sexy user, 8/10

Let's see this trashcans bean

i made those photos with my phone so i think that they are perfectly good

hmmm... it's hard to rate without face, but her body is solid 8/10, I like slimmer girls, but she's damn hot AF :O

Not saying you dont have sex every day, user.
and whats with all the hate from all you faggots desperate to see this guys girl?
you cant give some guy criticism because it hurts your feelings? Its not like its your photos.
as if you cant get off literally anywhere else on the internet.
he offered to show his photos with what I assume were some critiques.
ALl we said was keep trying, but you easily assblasted 12 year olds have to call everyone virgins because you are projecting so fucking hard, you can see it from space.



Do you have kik?
I'll trade me 21y/o gf, she's just as fit

I would cum inside her

post her mouth. I want to see how good of a cock sucking mouth this one has.
rate 8/10
nice legs
i'd pimp her to all my friends

Dude her body is well tidy, is there something wrong wiv her face are you embarrassed to show it?

Honestly with that body the face could be almost anything.

mmm let's swing maybe. I just came in my girl for you

She is hot

Haha yeah you have a point!