dis my son
Dis my son
Buy some lip balm you disgusting sub-human slav
Is that code for gay lover?
agreed, first thing i saw was ur dry ass lips. people notice
kys faggot
>implying their allowed any other form of communication without going to Black Dolphin
you look fucking horrid, you have a unlovable but punchable face, you look dirt and your lips are disgusting, you will die alone or a homosexual of aids, faggot.
A slave with a mobile phone? Never
i used to have that phone 11 years ago; wish flip phones would make a comeback
Fuck off
Don't listen to these idiots, OP. You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are!
Nah just kidding, OP is a faggot.
I ripped $40 for this, did I get payed off?
post your penis
Is the out of frame man in your pic your 48 year old gay lover?
damn you look like a faggot, is that your boyfriend?
putting up the middle finger isn't going to change the fact that you are one ugly fuck.
and shave that bumfluff off you little boy.
faggot duck face aswell fucking millenial
also underage and reported.
OP has surprisingly nice complexion for 12 year old. Now run along sweetheart.
knew you'd have some gay ass pics saved on your phone to shit post your own thread.
The child looks ill, what the fuck are you saying, he's just a boy, he's not fit for war!
going to have fun with these
maybe then you little shits will learn to fuck off with your facebook child thread posting cringe shit like this
You can still get new flip-phones from most major cellular providers.
LOL @ THAT "MUSTACHE" and that phone from 1984 wtf nigger.
What's even more sad
Deal with it....
YOUR penis, not random nigger penis.
after I saw that face I regret that i wasn't in Stockholm last weekend
only in 3rd worlds
Stop trying to groom underage boys for buttsex.
Dis is an autist