Just another one of these threads

Just another one of these threads.

Am I going to be able to get out of here on time?

Will I ever see Clarisse face to face ever again?

should I fap?

should I try anal?

should i fuck Alisa?

will i fuck alisa

should i ask the 8-ball something?


Will she try and get back with me tomorrow night

should i watch porn?

Is my friend fucked



Should I drink this bottle of wine?

Does my friend have a GBP system with his family?

Are you sure based 8 ball?

Fuck you 8 ball, should I drink this wine right now?

Stop screwing me around you son of a bitch, should i drink this fucking wine?

should I do it?

Did the haulocaust happen?

For fucks sake, should I drink the fucking wine?

am i gonna smash lacey this weekend?

Am I gay?

what about now?

good... good...

Will I ever get a gf

Will my relation with Emily be more than friends?

Will I get a gf

will i finish my fucking essay

Is Chance the Rapper going to make a new album this month?




Is YouTube fucked?

will 'it' happen?

Could it be saved if Google manned up and said, "Alright, you wanna pull your ads? We're gonna demote your search results."

ok, again

Paula quiere conmigo?

Should I try anal?


Will I succeed in my endeavor?

Is she going to stay here?

Am I being a pest?

for fucks sake, does she hate me?

asking again

Will I have sex this month?

Will I finish college without having a nervous breakdown?

Am I gonna get all up in that stank ditch?

Is she waiting for me to message her again?

Will Ola meet up with me this month?

Is Jil gonna let me go to pound town on that velvet underground?

Should I reach out?

Does she like me?

should I reach out to her?

Does she like me?

god fucking fuck it 8 ball. Should I contact her again.

Does she want to be with me?