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ITT Wetfluff and Soulvei get Aichi to shut down the booru after their trolling plans go horribly awry

Make this thread last till morning




I hate that it had a happy life, this makes me sad.

So, why do we really enjoy fluffy abuse? Catharsis perhaps? maybe theres a personal reason within everyone watching and making this content?
personally I like the fact that ignorance, stupidity and injustice is to be punished for example the smarty abuse how about you a/b/users?

im into i bit of it all honestly, though most hugbox is saccharine af

They are so cute, you wanna kill em



You werent in the last thread, where were you?


Makes sense

Hey, not that we're complaining, I for one fucking loved not having a fluffy thread fucking ruined for once.


Is the booru still active? I used to post stories there for a little while but got out of the loop and took a break. Everytime I pop in for a visit it seems like the quality is dropping

I guess all the artist that have been there for a long time just kind of lost interest in it. So all of us who are new are kinda late to the party eating whats left of the food


I was once optimistic and full of hope, but time has turned me cynical. Seeing the fluffies happily hugging and enjoying simple things makes me want to ruin their joy with unreasonable cruelty just to shove the real world i to their naive little faces. "No I dont love you, and huggies don't fix anything! Why? Because fuck you!"

On the hugbox side, this picture is a prime example of hugbox done right. While I cannot enjoy simple things like pushing a ball, seeing the cute little fluffies so full of genuine wonderment about the little wonders of this world lets you share their childlike joy and as well.


In a way it somewhat resembles redpilling. These naive and stupid creatures learn what the world is really about instead of living in a fantasy bubble.


The Golden Age is over, but the booru is still active. Many of the best artists left when a wave of newfags briefly turned the fluffy fandom into a hellgremlin fandom with fluffies being hated villains rather than enjoyable victims, but they've since died out and the fandom is slowly making a comeback.

all it takes is people to start writing non gremlin stories/art

Huh... I must have been part of the newfag surge, I always liked my fluffy abuse to be justified.
Psychological was always the best type of abuse
But more so, I enjoyed writing stories about fluffies abusing each other.



why would anyone want one?

christ somebody help me. i've been binging obsessively with the fluffy fandom ever since the incident on april fools

also what's this gremlin shit i'm hearing about? and why are they bad?



old cannon was that they were innocent and any suffering they had was at the hands of man or nature
now fluffies turn on each other at the drop of a dime

kinda like both as I reason it as becoming feral made them less innocent
but the hell gremlin shit has been gonig overboard
9 out of 10 stories is now about smarties. starting to get stale imo
same thing with all abuse having to be justived now.

so regular fluffies are store bought fluffies that are punished with isolation

while hell gre.mlins are the worst of feral smarties

or am i missing something?


there are two cannons
regular fluffies is what they were (innocent, lolving , would never hurt another thing even if they could)
then artist/writers started making the fluffies the bad guy ( rapists, smarties, cannibals)

some justify the new cannon of fluffies as living in the wild and on the streets changed them, or just an evolution of the fandom
some just say it's poor writing

depends on what you like, or you can even like both.


why are they mutually exclusive?

old stuff = all fluffies are innocent and kind and they only suffer because of man or nature

new stuff = fluffies are assholes to each other.

their not
some few the new cannon as fluffy evolution from being ferals and most fluffies having a good home would never act like a hell gremlin

*view not few

in all honesty i think the new cannon was made because some wanted to abuse them but not be abusers.. so they just made up reason to do it without feeling guilty

because every story is the same now. ..
boy fluffy abuse = smarty or rapist
girl fluffy abuse = bad mother who kills or eats or rejects its baby

but that is just my opinion
pick what you want to believe
like what you want to like.


So please tell me, why do you post these? I know people say you're bumping the thread Abba all but I'd like to know why. What started you wanting to post these on a thread about something unrelated to them? I mean its not like anyone else comes in these and posts pit bulls or bathtubs exclusively.



Oh god it has fingers. But I'm serious, can I please have Real answer other than kweh?



I don't see the purpose of removing the eyes


here is some info on the new cannon.
some of it i think makes sense ( greedy corp programing them to reject foal that would not sell well as to not waste resources keeping it alive)



It probably shit everywhere anyway. Should've ended up as kitty litter.



I just like to see them suffer as much as I do in this shitshow called life.

>where were you?



my first couple of drawing experiments with fluffies






It's so they won't be able to see the hate we have for them.

Chocobro is more entertaining than that shitshow.









Wow he's really close to that electrical outlet





Because fluffy pony is weird horror.

> I look at this more like Russian Nihilism. The world is an uncaring and dangerous place. There either is no god, or if there is, then god or gods are arbitrary, fickle, and cruel. There are certain rules that must be followed for survival, whether they be the basic laws of nature or the whims of an insane and vindictive deity, and failing to follow those rules (hellgremlins) will result in swift and brutal punishment. Following those rules, however, is far from any sort of protection against such a terrible fate. Merely existing entails suffering for all but the lucky few, all not following the rules does is light a shining beacon that makes the suffering certain and swift. There is no meaning in the world, and no hope, and even good, decent people suffer despite doing everything right, because life is meaningless and cruel. Shit, even the hell gremlins don't deserve what they get. What, Smarties are deserving of brutal death simply because they try to protect their herd? Because they try as best they can to adapt to the real world and survive the harsh realities of nature? Because they cop an attitude?

> That's how hell gremlins and cute little puffballs can exist together. Neither group has earned, in any moral sense, what happens to them. They suffer and die because they are stupid, because they are assholes, because they are innocent, it doesn't matter, the real reason they suffer and die is because the world is horrible and humanity is horrible. They suffer because WE suffer, and we, humanity, takes some small measure of comfort in the sense of power and control that comes with treating these balls of fluff and shit and love the same way the universe, or god, or the Elder Ones, or just plain stupid chaos treats us.

By pitting "justified" humans against "unjustified" fluffs, you bring it back to a typical good versus evil narrative, and a boring one at that.











These are creepy

I don't know why, but sea fluffy stuff is really good.


I hope you die dude


So when is 4+Sup Forums's /fluffy/ coming back?