How do you neets go watch the movies? I'm too beta myself to go alone

How do you neets go watch the movies? I'm too beta myself to go alone

Get someone to come with you, sorry there's no way around it

I "acquire" it, watch it at home.

fuck if thats you id surely go with you.

You just go and stop giving a fuck what those retard normies think.


Torrent that shit with 1080p bluray quality

going to the movies alone is fucking great

You're a newfag and a retard.


just fuckin hit the bong with my buds.

I actually used to watch movies by myself. I didn't understand the looks I got until I little girl came up to me and said "Why are you watching this movie by yourself? You can come and sit with us if you want to not be alone." It was that time her mother called her away from "that wierdo" (me). I'm not keen on social cues, I consider most of them silly. But I detest the idea of making people feel awkward so now I wait until people I know have the time to see movies at the same time I do. Waste of time in my opinion just to see a movie, but people have their quaint comfort zones.

>Get someone to come with you
Nigga I'm a neet, I dont have friends

No you didn't you lonely faggot


>thinking Sup Forumstards know what a neet is anywmore
>wanting to go to the movies

Sup Forums is the normie containment board

fuck please be op.
youre a pathetic fag. good thing youre a neet, you wouldn't contribute to anything at all because when really, you are a lonely, fat, beta neet. like every other neet. good job being a clone.

they werent looking at you because you were alone, they were looking at you because youre probably a fucking weirdo, or they were wondering why someone let you out of the basement. trust me, it wasn't because you were by yourself.

I go to the movies quite a lot, normally with a bud but I have no problem going on my own. I don't think going to the Cinema is that much of a social experience anyway as I don't wanna talk during the film. Don't be insecure and do what you want regardless of others.

Does anyone have her nudes?

You have to be 18+ to post here, lad
I'm not OP

I don't argue that possibility. I am very polite. I do understand manners. I'm also observant enough to know I make people uncomfortable. It's usually some social norm silliness, nothing issues people make a big deal about. I do try to accommodate. So, in the possibility of my being alone and watching a movie is unnerving to social norm silliness, I now only go to movies with at least one other person. I feel that is quite rational.

Definitely not OP.

The movies should introduce a streaming service for fags like us.

I go myself all the time.

Never even realised it was weird.

>The movies should introduce a streaming service for fags like us.

inb4 dic

No dicc

you shouldn't be wasting your tax payer supplied neet-bucks on luxuries like going to the cinema, you parasitic burger fuck!

>burger fuck
God no, I'm from Norway

aspeger burger, neets are all aspeger it seems if r9k is to be believed.

post more of the girl and I may forgive you. otherwise just go alone, you don't have to wait on people or try to hold down some lame convo you just do what you want.

you need to ask yourself, do you really want friends anyway? they're more work than what they give back.

Don't bother going unless its with family or a woman.

Why pay to see it in cinema (very expensive) when you can have as good a time at home watching it on your TV.

+no shitty kids ruining your movie.

Most her stuff is behind a $10 paywall and she's not that qt.
And yeah friends are high maintenance but it's better than sitting besides smelly strangers

Waiting a year+ for the blurays takes it toll.

>It's usually some social norm silliness
like taking showers, and not masturbating in public?

friends are the same as those smelly strangers... they're just smelly strangers that you're familiar with and who demand things from you like your time and attention.... and who drink your beer.

they're just not worth it, user.