Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out

Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out.

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It's A. Just because the portal has velocity doesn't mean the cube gains that energy.

Wouldn't the orange portal disappear? Since it can't remain on moving surfaces?

A. The only force that would ever act on the cube is gravity.

It is B as B is related to Sup Forums and therefore travels at a velocity of 12*Sup Forums assuming we are on the surface of Pluto.
(Which we are not)

That is clearly a portal stamp, therefore it must be B as the portal is traveling with velocity and shit.

Thing going in is not speedy, you are shit at physics bra. A

It's unclear how portal works. But B would be very likely. In relative terms cube is traveling at same speed towards the portal than portal it moving towards the cube. Thus you could see that cube is the one with momentum and portal is stationary. Thus if portal transfers momentum and blue portal is stationary, then the momentum must be reserved and results into B.

thats a fucking camel you shitdick

A. Because all your essentially doing is laying the portal over the cube. Then gravity "assuming there is gravity" simply pushes the cube down the incline.

That word doesn't make what you're saying right.

yes it can, in Portal 2 in a specific level you NEED to use orange portals on moving platforms

B. At least in game

I want to believe people who played the game understands that it does neither. But some people are just idiots.

Somebody make this in game and get back to me

Cant belive this is still a question. Its B, because the result have to be the same in both reference frames

No if you actually knew physics you would KNOW it could only be B retard.

Nice dubs, you piece of scum fuck

Proove it you don know shit

trying to find some old examples i did, not gonna draw all that shit again

If we're looking through the blue portal, what we can see if the cube accelerating towards us at a high rate of speed (say 5m/s).

It approaches at 5 m/s, the cube goes through the portal at 5m/s, and it would fly up at 5m/s.

Why would something accelerating towards us suddenly stop dead?


same result from the portals frame

The cube isn't accelerating, the portal is. An object can't gain momentum if no force is applied to it.

also, please stop with this logic. Portals are already proven to break conservation of energy, so i really dont think they care

besides, none of them is accelerating, one of them moves with constant velocity, doesnt really matter witch one

This has been made in a portal map. The result was A

Its acceleration is 0m/s2 as the velocity is constant, it's the velocity that is 5m/s.


Theoretically it's B, but in order for it to actually shoot out instead of flopping you'd either need very little gravity or a massive amount of force. If you actually tried this on Earth and the thing with the orange portal was going 50 miles per hour the cube would maybe shoot out a little, but that would be unnoticeable. So it would look like A, but it would actually be B (it would shoot out very slightly, but you wouldn't even notice it).

Fair enough, but i assume those answering B is thinking about a real world application, and not the actual game. (As it even changes rules from portal 1 to portal 2)


It's like dropping a cup onto a cube, the cube doesn't start moving up. Also all momentum is lost to the system when the platform with the orange portal stops moving.

>approaches at 5 m/s
>goes through the portal at 5m/s

you do know what "accelerating" means, right moron?

we have a winner

You're not accounting for the energy required to keep the portal open

did not even consider this, but it solves a lot of math. thanks mate

all this is is a moving hole in a wall. if you have a hole in a wall and have it fall at the box where the box goes thru the hole, the box gains no momentum. the portal acts just like the hole, just because something goes thru it does not give it any accelerations. its basically fiting a small square box into a big round hole on a child's toy only your moving the actually wooden toy not the small box

C. It'll only just pop out a lil bit. With nothing touching it, other than a portal with no weight, it will not move. B. Isn't possible because its not moving tp begin with and A. Is impossible because theres nothing to push the cube through the portal.

you didn't do any fucking math to begin with for fucks sake. Even on top of that theres no fucking math to solve because theres no such thing as portals you dip shit

He's right. Everything is moving relative to eachother.

the only way it would gain any high from coming out of the portal would be the first moving platform hitting the non moving platform down and the box staying still. so technically would it start as B. yes but it would ultimately end up as A. unless the non moving platform completely falls away from the box

Outcome B would only happen if the platform with the orange portal doesn't stop at the bottom of the platform that holds the cube up. This would be similar to swinging a hula hoop over cube suspended in the air, where the cube continues to move relative the the exit side of the hoop after the hoop passes over it, where if the hoop stops moving immediately after the cube passes through, then the cube does not continue moving relative the the exit side of the hoop.

I think it's important to remember the portals are basically just holes that connect via portal shit or something. So the platform coming down on the cube is basically just a slab With a hole in it

That implies that both portals move together, retard.

Doesn't the answer depend on how the portal actually works? If the portal just instantaneously transports matter to it's counterpart than it is A. Say, however that the portals are just connecting those two spaces directly than that would mean that the whole universe would move with the portal therefore it would appear as if B was true, at least theoretically.

(´。• ω •。`)

It would only appear that way if your position was fixed.

When? I don't remember that.

OK. Basic question. where is the acceleration and momentum coming from for it to be B. As far as i can see your just slamming a hole over something. because its just the 2nd law of motion. its sitting still so it want to stay sitting still. where is the outside force to actually propel the box forward

It can be assumed by game logic that a portal looks at the relative velocity of an object to itself; this is why generally speaking, portals are on static objects, why you aren't ripped in half by tidal forces once you're being propelled around at high speed, and why an object only begins to apparently experience the gravity of its exit destination once it's left the portal, which may have a hemispherical field on either end which normalizes conditions between the two. This would also explain why you might not want to, for example, fire two portal guns equidistant from one another and pointed directly at one another, each keyed to open a different end of the same portal; you'd essentially be causing each end of the portal to influence the other and tear it apart, expending the tremendous energy needed to have a dimensional rift in the first place. That's basically a matter-antimatter reaction right there.

While the game simply glitches (as pointed out), we can effectively deduce that the portal would experience the difference in speed between itself and the box, but would lose the box's potential energy built from being pushed towards the Earth. This would immediately come into effect on the box as it leaves the blue portal, but in a new "down" direction.

Basically, while it wouldn't be a perfect A, the loss of efficiency and the effect of the new gravitational direction on the box would prevent it being propelled any faster than the difference in velocity between the box and the orange portal, while being acted on by the blue portal's position relative to Earth's gravity. You'd get a little burp of force, enough to push it out of the portal at least, but not a lot unless the orange portal's plate was moving at or in excess of the box's escape velocity.

portals give what passes through them a different frame of reference of the same space
ordinary portals in two different positions give the object a new position in the space
ordinary portals in two different orientations give the object a new orientation in the space
so it makes sense that moving portals at two different velocities will give the object a new velocity in the space

another way to think about it is that all speed is relative, with the initial conditions of the scenario, everyone says the cube is not moving. The cube is not moving relative to the space on its side of the portal, but the cube IS moving relative to the space on the other side of the portal, and all that happens is that the cube gets surrounded by the latter frame of reference as it passes through the portal.

The obvious answer is
C. It would end up in OPs ass


Destroying the Neurotoxin generator, cutting the wires with a laser and portals




I'll be honest, since its Gmod and not Portal, im still not convinced if it have the same reaction (it may have the same game engine, but i dont know if it applies physics too)

Atleast is something, good job user

Why does the cube tumble on the way out? Does not seem legit.

The problem with this is that it isn't real physics-
If the velocity of the PORTAL was transferred to the cube then it wouldn't bounce like it does in that vid.

Also it wouldn't transfer velocity in real life because basic physics, but since we're talking a game it doesn't matter.

The physics engine is uniform among the games... that's an advertised point of gmod.
But you have a solid argument, as the physics can be adjusted; it's only defaultly the same, and could have been altered for the video.

I'm still going to call you a faggot.

No, double retard it doesn't.

The portal has no velocity.
The median in which the portal is placed however is moving very quickly toward the cube.
The portal itself is always stationary and cannot gain momentum. There is no space inbetween portals, they're like two sides of a peice of paper.

The following example helps prove the concept, not the topic of discussion.

If portal A and B are placed and one puts their arm inside, then moves portal B your arm will be fine, it will just be wherever portal B is now.

Also, bonus high thought: put A on the wall and B on the ceiling, get a bunch of your guy friends and buy a hooker just to have her stand under B. Jerk off session and then cum into A and watch it fall on the bitch's face

Irl if such a thing were to exist it would be neither. Cube would appear out of portal at the velocity of portal one and then sharply accelerate to 0 speed almost instantaneously (since portal one hits the surface). Then it either slides down if gravity overcomes static friction with the same platform it was on originally, or stays in place if it doesn't.
Source: degree in engineering mechanics.

>Real physics
Choose one

If we focus within the game, portals are considered real physics, so yeah, both

A slab with hole in it is equal to both portals stuck back to back on cardboard or something. The pic shows one moving portal and one fixed portal. Triple retard.

A is correct. B. would only work if the cube was going towards the portal, not vice-versa.

I'm one of the programers who built this simulation you are living in, and I can confirm that it would be B.

A. The block has no kinetic energy, only the potential of sitting on the pedestal.

Now it's B


>american education
It's clearly B because Newton's 3rd Law of motion u fucking retards

"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts."

Okay faggots, time for a lesson. The answer is a and here is why...

Portals can't be on moving surfaces because they are connecting two areas in the same physical universe. If the orange portal is on a moving surface, this means that the blue portal would be moving along with it since the blue portal would technically exist inside the orange portal and vice versa. Each portal (with it's corresponding end-portal) can only exist as itself in the exact spot that it is currently occupying. Any portal that appears to be moving would actually be different portals being layered one on top of another while the previous ones disappear. The only thing each new portal would share with the old one is the exit portal. One portal would never actually be moving, so any object "entering" would only be subjected to the forces in respect to the placement of the exit portal. This is assuming that the entrance portal could be recreated in such a way that it would not destroy anything in it's path when it disappears between each interval of movement.