G'morning user

g'morning user.
hope u slept well.
tell me why you will not KILL YOURSELF today.

Fuck off with this cancer thread every fucking day

I have to go to work to make money for drugs

new Gorrilaz album

what do u mean?
what drugs?

I honestly don't know. I didn't sleep. Been staying up every other night or so because when I go to bed I start remembering what a pathetic failure I am.

ought to just exit bag it tbh

I just bought a house and I have a nice car and my life isn't general shit

no gf by choice, they're all entitled cheating cunts

Why didn't you Op?

you're not a loser.
congrats on the house.

I haven't slept in days cause im a pathetic drunk having withdrawals

don't drink so much.

im trying not to drink at all tbh

ive learned over the past 10 or so years that I cannot function as a normal person while drinking

the amount of things ive lost..

you can do it.
stop. or cut back.
i beleive in you user.
ur stronger than alcohol

thanks user

no problem. take care. have a great day.


Good god I just need source on the op's first gif not to kill myself hnnnnng

Because I've got a raid with my brother on Destiny to do after work today.

sorry don't know sauce.
g'luck on raid.

I do carries for this particular raid all the time, so I'm helping him since I don't think he's completed it ever.

Found my thicc strawberry destiny at breakfast

haven't played destiny in a long time.
haven't even downloaded rise of the iron.
Guess I need to catch up.

user told me not to a few days ago. And also my sex life.

good sex life? how good?


Sup Forums used to be just a shithole

Now it's shithole inception.

Like a shithole looping into itself through the 5th dimension into a multiverse of shitholes.

You could replace everybody here with a bot and nobody would know the difference.

i'd notice.
i'm not a bot.
i'm a real person.

Just what a bot would say.

My gf and I live with my ex cause we're broke and she took us in. My ex's gf was over for the weekend and while my ex was at work I fucked her gf. The next day before we had a chance to figure out if I was doing to be homeless over it, my ex got way high and was ignoring her gf. Her gf got pissy and we all fucked on my ex's bed until my ex say something that made her horny enough to ignore how good food was to her, and then we all fucked and now I don't have to feel guilty about anything.

ewww dude
white women

but i live and breath.
crazi situation.
oh... u feel that way?

That's awesome, was your GF in on this?

Well. I messaged a girl I used to love under a new number. user asked her if she had someone special and she said yes and was happy. Probably gonna kill myself so that's cool

Yeah, my gf used to date my ex with me, and dated two other people with me before that, so this isn't even a big deal to her. My gf also has a HUGE crush on our ex's gf.

Because of hope for a better tomorrow which I will work on starting tomorrow.

because i'm finally understanding the rules of that stupid game everybody plays

I'm on the road to Omega

Too many things to do and not enough moots to go around

Because I'm a pussy.
Also, I still hope someday I will wake up from my mental slumber and start heading towards a luminous future.

I'm trying to find Christ.
Also, because the souls of those who commit suicide will not enter heaven nor hell.