I don't get it, what's "grunge"? Because Soundgarden and Alice in Chains basically sound like heavy metal to me...

I don't get it, what's "grunge"? Because Soundgarden and Alice in Chains basically sound like heavy metal to me. Doesn't sound fuck all like Nirvana or Pearl Jam which were basically buttrock

Grunge was just a label slapped on a bunch of Seattle band by the lazy media. I guess you could say it was more of an aesthetic than a musical style. Flannel shirts and long hair and perceived "slackerism". It never was an actual musical style.

I understand. Just wondering because having gone through the list of grunge bands they vary wildly in styles.

What genres would you assign to the individual grunge bands?

a marketing term used for rock bands coming out of the pacific nw in the early nineties

Even though they were pretty much different genres, they did have an aesthetic or stylistic link that tied them together.
I can't really put my finger on it, but they all seemed like a "sludgier" (for lack of a better term) version of their respective genres.

Here we go again.

It's not necessarily a derogatory term. Same with dadrock.

nirvana was a psychedelic punk band, friend

>Nirvana = Punk
>Pearl Jam = Hard Rock
>AiC = Heavy Metal / Alt Metal
>Soundgarden = Alt Metal

There's nothing psychedelic about their music

Grunge is punk rock for depressed people.

Isn't that was post-punk was

they had a groovy psychedelic sound on many songs, mostly due to krist's bass lines

Sounds good when you're stoned =/= psychedelic

Well it came from postpunk.

I'd say it came from hardcore

Just acremimder there aren't as many genres as you fags think there are

now that's just plain incorrect and you know it

>punk rock for depressed people
thats slowcore


>>Nirvana = Punk
in bleach it was sludge influenced, then nevermind/incesticide it was noise rock then to in utero it was noise rock with a lil folkish rock

they're both shit terms for hating on classic rock

not at all psychadelic

How the fuck is Nevermind and insecticide noise rock?
In utero only has a couple of noise rock songs.

if In Utero is psych then I guess have my rock albums are psych

half* it's getting late..

If any band was psychedelic it was Soundgarden

Was just about to say this. They really wore their influences on their sleeves in that regard

>Nevermind and insecticide noise rock
endless nameless and the general distorted guitar riffs, its watered down like hell but it is definitely noise rock