What does this symbol mean? I got this dollar back today and I'm really curious...

What does this symbol mean? I got this dollar back today and I'm really curious. I've been looking all over the place to find its meaning, but no luck yet.

does not equal

That's what I thought at first glance, but the two lines are slanted instead of horizontal, so that doesn't make too much sense to me. I'm starting to think it was just some edgy kid that didn't have a clue what they were doing.

The symbol reminded me of some Norse proto runes, found a few that look like it. something about " runic letter oe (U+16AF)"

maybe its futhark, "fehu" and "naudiz" are very likely.

George does not =1$ any more...he = about .36 cents


Oh shit I think that's it. What the fuck is this?

it's a 'does not equal" sign you D student


the letter exists in medieval runes.

Maybe you should look up how a does not equal sign looks like, you D student

Edgy shenanigans confirmed, thanks

thats what i was thinking

Doesn't some religion have a cross that looks sort of like that? I think it was a branch of catholiscm or something.

Orthodox cross? I still think it's the Deathwish logo.

Yea, Deathwish looks more accurate. That's what I was thinking, though.
Isn't there a cross that looks even more similar, though?

I thought so but the only other one I can think of is St. Peter's cross but that intersects at a right angle.

Maybe that was it. Deathwish logo seems most accurate so far.

Issa knife

I cant tell why but it feels so extremely familiar, and i have never heard of "Death Wish" before

Its an earlier version of the Ansuz rune in Elder Futhark, it indicates a deity.


Hehe. Present day. Present time.

Uncultured swine, have you never watched Harry Potter?

What a fucking retard.

It means the president had pimples growing up. The kid writing it is trying to send his future pimples to the dead body of said president.


It's from a vidya

he's a wizard

It's probably the Deathwish logo because Deathwish is an edgy brand, and the type of kid to like Deathwish is also the type of kid to vandalize money.

The Eye of Providence is just as much edgy bullshit as Deathwish.