Guys, I'm in love with my penpal. Dubs decides how I text her next

Guys, I'm in love with my penpal. Dubs decides how I text her next.

can i tell you something very important?

i was born with a vagina

why havent we had sex yet?

i stick stuff up my ass sometimes, lol maybe you can do it for me next time


knock knock suck my dick and make me a sammich, cunt

j/k lova ya babe

Gandalf saved me a looong time ago

You realise you will receive no actual help here, right?


Text her a picture of your smiling face and say, "This is how I feel every time I receive a message from you"

my stepdad just redpilled me on how the jews did 911

dis wait for response then

I have a fursona. my fursona is a 3 year old blonde puppy named danny

2x winrar wow

This is now a cringe thread


I recognize that app
Is she Asian?

you mean *bogpilled me

No more bumps until OP delivers. Until then, sage


who the fuck still has a pen pal?


Can we be pen pals? I'm Nigerian and I can explain the details of my personal fortune to you. I can get it all for $20 US as a small court fee. Also, I want to be pen pals

Hmmmm this sounds amazing. Let us exchange email addresses and begin our correspondence

op is a fuckin fag


Niggers tongue my anus

How long have you two been talking? How much you 2 talk everyday? Ages and locations?