How do you feel about witnessing the GOATs in their respective sports when you know no one will ever come close for decades.
Witnessing the GOAT
>implying the kids on here remember Tyson
Is Schumacher the goat of wheelchair basketball or something?
Well their GOAT status might be debatable but then there is a better athlete you witnessed. Doesn't change my question.
not even close to Senna, his car and lack of strong competitors won him his titles while Senna was fucked by TBTB almost every season to prevent him from completely raping this sport
It's the same as with our lives and youth, we know it's there and it's amazing but we're not enjoying it or filling its full potential but in 20 years we'll be missing it and bitching about the fact that we did nothing then.
t. Kubica
the only legitimate GOATs i've seen are Schumi, Rossi, Federer and Loeb
feels good watching lebron play in his prime tbqh
>no Bolt
was he going so fast you didn't see him?
In 40 years there will be new GOATs and we will just be the old guys talking about how great our GOATs were back in the day
>this guy
You mean Embiid.
>when you know no one will ever come close for decades
But Pacquiao is as close as you can get to Armstrong
you mean porzingis
If you dropped prime Tiger (1999 - 2001) in 2016, he'd just be another guy. Prime Tiger was no better than current DJ/Speef/Day/Rory. Not to mention all the second tier guys like Bubba/Rickie/Stenson/Reed/ZJ/etc. who can come out of nowhere and play out of their minds.
If you took any one of those first four guys and dropped them in the early 2000s, they would have been just as dominant as Tiger.
medicine, food and training methods will only get better. more goats will come me thinks
Tiger, Messi, & Jordan have all been surpassed but it felt great too see talent that well during their prime.
You forgot this guy
connor mcdavid
>Gayest of all time
It checks out
curry looks weird, like ugly weird
maybe the least marketable "superstar" of all time
There is and there was MUCH worse
Was this when he injured his back at the Barclays in 2013?