Collecting dick pictures from 5+ different angles and poses for a fake profile

Collecting dick pictures from 5+ different angles and poses for a fake profile.

Anons I need your help. I need a kind user willing to donate his dick pictures to me. Not any will do tho. It has to be the same dick from at least 5 different angles or poses.

I need it for a social experiment (abusing people over facebook). Is any user willing to share his dick with the world?

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Kill yourself or get a life



Do you not have a dick?

I'm a girl. Soooo.....nooope

you know the rules....

i don't see the difficulty of finding 5 dick picks, just go to and take 5 pictures of a random user.

You know the fucking drill. Tits or gtfo.

Also dubs

W8 u are homo, or what fuckin trash

Why not trade?! Tits with time stamp and we can arrange something!!!

I don't think I'd be comfortable sharing my boobs with you guys...soo noo thank you

im straight

I never asked you to show me our boobs, but nobody is going to know is you without showing the face.

So, it won't happen...

Gimme dicks thats all i want so stfu and post

not even in your dreams

So you want someone to share not one but FIVE pictures of their dick but you can't post one anonymous picture of your tits? Good luck with that.

Asking for dick pics but not willing to provide anything for it.

Go fuck yourself OP

what about a photo with the clothes on, at least we know you're not a fucking whale.

fuck off cishet privileged white boy. I eat bigots for dinner

No no, it has to be tits. Can't have something for nothing now, can we? Also not your personal army bla bla bla

lymaooo triggered!

Is that why you're so fat?

Get life , fuckin fat cunts

I did consider it for a moment, if your plan had been making a plastic replica and gift it to someone.
> happy birthday here rs a random dick from the internet

No, but I'll treasure it forever?

Post your kik and I will do it