Is Down Syndrome porn illegal? And if it is legal can you share some?

Is Down Syndrome porn illegal? And if it is legal can you share some?

honestly been wondering if retard porn exists/ is lega


Thats some fucked up shit man wtf

Thats a normal fetish like any other fetish

down syndrome is really hot

When I was a little kid I saw some retarded chick in the store and seemed sexy. Now I look back thinking wtf ... also they prob shit their pants

Retard girls usually have a nice ass

Anyone can share some down syndrome porn?

Isn't down syndrome porn the same as GMO Porn?

What is GMO porn?

I've seen mountains and mountains of porn (imma oldfag) but I have never ever encountered mongoporn - WHERE IS IT !??

Also, RULE 34! Also, where's the hentai on the new autistic girl in sesame?

I am dissapoint.

I've been wondering this for awhile also


Its porn based off of their disabilities so its probably illegal because its seen as degrading. Maybe if the tards who want to do it did, it would be fine

>I, for myself, like feet
>I like to see the salmon eyes of a downy when a thick load crashes on its face

I think I got aids

They can't legally consent but you might find ummm nude art

This should answer your question


genetically modified organism porn