Whats a quick and simple way to kill myself, Sup Forums? Im sick of other faggots mocking me...

Whats a quick and simple way to kill myself, Sup Forums? Im sick of other faggots mocking me, and i cant get into college this year and dont want to live anymore bored at home

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lurk on other boards while living in your room. I've been dead for years.


try it for real, edgelord

you can make a guillotine, should be no pain and a cool way to go on

find a nigger and tell him you fucked his mum. Await his response

Hang rope, jump from significant height, snap neck, die. very simple innit?

I want the pain to end now. I wanna kill myself before my dad comes home so he doesnt try to prolong my worthless life. The world is magicless and dull and i want out

don't kill yourself just join the military

Nice digits

A gun
Helium Or any pressurized gas really
Stick metal in your electrical panel
Suicide by cop
Jump off a bridge
Toaster in tub

>Need I keep going?

I dont have a rope, whats a good substitute and how do i prepare it

dubbles of truth, gun is better tbh since there's 0 chances of any suffering

>i cant get into college this year
>dont want to live anymore bored at home
so go get a fucking job like the rest of civilized society and become a productive member, jesus christ. i love how fucking lazy your generation is that ending your life forever is better than working.

Op is one of these special faggot

steal ur dads car and go 80mph in a front on front with a semi

I tried getting a job but no one will hire me because i dont have past experiance

Eh, wont always work. Better off with this
>Snare wire at 19' 1/2", rope at 20'
>Blood thinners for a month
>Cocaine or something to up your heart rate

>Death by slit neck and hanging

Bull fucking shit. Is this the new excuse for being lazy because I've heard it a lot lately. Instead of applying for C.E.O., try entry level, there are always jobs.


I worse than you will not kill my self
40 years old
no girlfriend
no job

A gun -> Will work
Noose -> Will work, but people fuck this up badly
Knife -> People can't slit their wrists to shit
Helium Or any pressurized gas really -> Will work
Stick metal in your electrical panel -> The cercuit board will shorten, possibly death but not likely
Suicide by cop -> 50/50 chance
Jump off a bridge -> probably will fuck it up
Toaster in tub -> same thing as before
Downing -> downing? oh Drowning, eh, op will fuck it up

Ive tried that faggot and guess what they wont fucking hire me. Maybe its cuz i got shit about me online. I swear im gonna flip if its because of that

Allot of people pussy out of using a knife since it involves a shitload of pain

Considering that he doesn't have a rope, he probably also doesn't have heluim or any substitute to that.

Suicide by cop is just.... an interesting way to go out

Jumping off a bridge is generally not recommended since the way down is a horrible experience.
i've gone bungee jumping before and trust me it's not exactly a very pleasurable experience, being alive after you jumped is tho

Drowning is a very torturous way to go out, but it does the job. People think that it'd be relaxing to drown but it isn't.

Search up suicide fails with a gun. Just saying

Super glue hands to head and use wire around neck attached to a random cars toe bar, cops will think you pulled off your own head.

Stay strong 40 year old user


don't do it user

That will just make me cough up blood
Why fucking not? What do i have to live for in this shithole faggot infested world? I want everyone to die horribly in nuclear fire, so why should i prolong my suffering around them?

Thanks man

>I want everyone to die horribly in nuclear fire

Well there's your answer user, go pay north Korea a visit and have some fun eh?

aquire razor, slice deep and get into a bath to avoid messing up the floor.
On the other hand, you might just try getting some balls instead. We know you have it hard, but then again, who doesn't?
Don't think that the world sucks only because you're in a bad spot, fag.

suicide is for fuckin pussies dude.
Are you a fuckin pussy?

Im in a dead end rut with only one autistic friend who doesnt even talk much, no job, and no college. But sure, my pathetic excuse of a life must be worthwhile SOMEHOW. Shut the fuck up faggot.

dude, before you think like that:
go to a hooker, try extasy, get an expensive steak in a restaurant, drink by yourself. for moments, the magic will come, maybe through this experiences you want to prolong your life.m you can then either chase these feelings, get them as often you want to and let them consume you or you can work hard and enjoy them from time to time. still better than killing yourself.

tldr its better to work a shitty job and get a hooker than to hang from the tree

No GF.
Only two friends living off my country.
I barerly go out of my house.
I'm shit at school.
No job also and found out the girl I liked might be a lesbo.
I believe I behave like a creep and people are just too pussy to tell me that.
I don't complain, I just roll with it, unlike yourself. But I already gave you instructions on how to end it, just go with it instead of complaining.

College is overrated and only benefits like 3/10 students. Gotta find your thing. Make pottery, listen to tool, grow plants, wrestle a lion, eat some sacred cactus.