Heard that some of her stuff got leaked, true? If so please post

Heard that some of her stuff got leaked, true? If so please post.

People only like her cause she's famous. She's the least ugly porker at the trailer park at best.


bro! you've got a big pee pee



You'd think somebody with money could avoid such scarring.

She used to be hot around 13-14, not so much anymore

That's one way to make sure she's not being pressured to do nude scenes.

Who cares?
She's a fat abomination now

Wouldn't be suprised if it's true.
She's grasping at every little straw to stay relevant.



as fake as lady gaga talent or the difference between a nigger and a black person



Not real

nice photoshop. Look closely around the edges shimmers.

Dat scar tho

that looks like keloid though.

keloid being an abnormal way scar tissue generates, it can look as bad as that if not worse. and the problem is, it's "treatable" but if a surgeon tried to cut it, i'd grow again (more scar tissue) and possibly even worse

she was dumb to reduce her tits in the first place, you get to the age of 18 and you never cut accidentally and noticed the fucked up way your body gets scars?

No scar

There is a vid on celeb jihad, not convinced of authenticity.

The shimmers reveal his power level. Check yerself before you rek yerself.

Saw the original, it's super fake. Sorry. I'm starting to think not a single one of her nudes was ever found. She does post a lot of sexy shit though,
