Guys, what is wrong with my foot and how to cure it?

Guys, what is wrong with my foot and how to cure it?

not your foot, faggot.i see this posted all the time.

Not your foot but if yours looks similar, Keep it dry, anti fungal cream or spray.

Stop wearing socks all day and atleast change them once in a while if you really sweat that much.

space aids
amputation is the only solution

Toe box syndrome

From not taking shoes off for days at a time

I've had this small hole on my foot for almost a month now. It just won't heal and it hurts when I walk for more than 15 minutes. What do?

plantar wart

plantar wart, have to get shit to burn it out, hurry though, the longer you wait the deeper the wart gets

Apple cider vinegar will get rid of that

put that shit on a pad and tape it up, it'll turn white then eventually turn black and die, it'll burn your skin after awhile but change the pad about 4 -6 times a day.


pitted keratolysis, change your socks more often and let your feet breath some more if possible

Apply pressure with salt and ice. That'll hell

It's a wart. Pick up a wart kit from your local drug store or go get it removed by a doctor. Also look up home remdys for warts.

Plantars warts

Im afraid its mine. I use clotrimazolum and bamboo socks for like a month and they doesnt seem to work. I also wear light shoes. Any ideas?

Pic related

cut off all dead skin with a knife like you're carving a peice of wood. Then make sure you keep your feet dry or try to dry them as often as possible. its moisture from sweat or water that makes it do that

Trench foot. You must keep your feet dry. Carry plenty of pairs of extra socks, preferably 100% Cotton. No artificial fibers because they will not absorb sweat. Change socks at least every 4 to 6 hours. If this persists you might get a cut and then get Gangrene.

For real my grandma had a fucking weird voodoo method for getting rid of these. Get some animal fat, Pig fat specifically and rub it on the wart using a spoon, then bury that spoon in your garden somewhere. No fucking joke that crazy old bitch knew what she was doing, it shriveled up and was gone in like a day.

i've had this before, stop wearing socks and only use shoes when you need to

post more this is hot

Does whateve it is stain your socks?

Isobetadine soap everyday

That's just moist dead skin. You can easily scratch it right off

Looks like you got the Greyscale user

I had athlete's foot for 10 years from backpacking on the west coast. Tried everything from antifungal creams to vinegar baths. Finally got rid of it a few months ago by buying 3 tubes of Lotramin Ultra and applying daily to a clean foot. Turns out the anti fungal creams sold in Canada are weak

Looks fine to me - I don't understand

become a chef at olive garden then when the recipe calls for parmsean just grate your foot over the food customers love it

Try bloodletting OP. You'll feel waves better.