>tfw no more Verne
SEC football will never be the same brehs. I'm sad.
>tfw no more Verne
SEC football will never be the same brehs. I'm sad.
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My fav Verne call
Old fart here.
Verne was the radio voice of the Dallas Cowboys when I started following football in 1969.
Enjoy your retirement, Verne.
Sounds like every bama game he's ever called
Damn it is pretty sad. I remember getting depressed about Keith Jackson retiring from ABC, then I realized that he was downright senile when he wasn't calling a game. It was frightening.
I'm sure they'll keep his hole at the masters going for years,
Oh hey Verne.
IN YOUR LIFE have you heard an announcer as comfy as Uncle Vern?
Bama fan here, I'll miss him. For some reason every other Alabama fan I know thinks he's biased against us. But he's just terrific.
Underrated part of Verne is how much he helped other broadcasters over the years. A lot of big names made their way through CBS at some point, as interns or unknowns, and anyone who asked always got advice and mentoring from Verne. In the sports broadcasting world, that's really freaking rare. It's a cutthroat world that's super competitive. But Verne never cared, he'd help you even if it meant you could make a run at his job.
He's a broadcasting legend.
Verne also called a Jack "Yes Sir!"
>yfw watching Verne get choked up
Anyone seen Rory? Him and tiger are both free from Nike clubs, which were absolutely holding them back. I expect a huge year from Rory if he can get to good equipment.
>"We met in a bar, and I hasten to add it was an upscale bar in Dallas. It was a place called Arthur's. I walked in after I did the 10 o'clock news (at WFAA-TV in Dallas) and I didn't want to go home. Nancy and her date were at the bar and her date recognized me from local television and invited me over to have a drink. He introduced me to his date and her name was Nancy Miller. It was their first date, a blind date. So we sat and chatted and her date, Raymond Willie, said to me, "Listen, I know you are single. I'm going to fix you up with a friend of mine and we can all go to dinner." He looked at Nancy and asked her, "What are you doing Thursday night?" She said, "Nothing." He said, "Good, you'll be my date and we'll fix Verne up with this schoolteacher friend of mine and we'll go to dinner." Meanwhile, I'm looking at Nancy thinking she is the prettiest thing I have ever seen in my life. So, Raymond finally left to take care of his business and I asked Nancy, "So, how involved are you with Raymond? She said, "Oh, this is our first date and it's a blind date." So I said, "Well, forget what he is talking about on Thursday night. What are you doing on Saturday night?" She said, "I think I am doing whatever you are doing."
You will never get cucked by Big Dick Verne.
>hat are you doing on Saturday night?" She said, "I think I am doing whatever you are doing."
That's my man. Verne is the best.
Bama fan here, I have friends from 9/14 SEC schools. Every single one I've ever met thought Uncle Verne hated their team. I always took this to mean he was doing something right.
Based Verne
>50+ y/o on Sup Forums
good riddance
fuck dat sec dick ridin bitch
verne aint even in the top 20 of sports commentators
I think ironically him being unbiased made people think he hated their team.
When Bama is dominating everybody they acknowledge it, and that pisses people off. When Bama is shitting the bed they acknowledge that, and that pisses Bama fans off.
Same thing with UF in the Tebow era. They were all over UF, and that's because UF was legitimately a great team during those years. But people get sad if announcers say anything good about any team other than their own.
You can honestly tell that he just really enjoyed good football. He's given every SEC team plenty of WOWs over the years.
Thank fucking god, the worst part about SEC football were these two. Maybe I can watch next year not on mute
>that awkward hug
my skin is literally crawling
>no more Verne