1. Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks

1. Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks.
2. WM/SpicF couples have higher divorce rates than WMWF.
3. Spics have voted overwhelmingly democrat in every single election since they started being counted 40 years ago. Just like blacks.
4. Spic countries have the highest homicide rates in the world, to point that Uganda and the Congo look peaceful.
5. Spics are not White. The average Mexican is 57% Native, 37% European, and 5% African. This is barely "Whiter" than Africans Americans who are on average 25% European.
6. Spics have triple the homicide rate of Whites in the US, even though Muhammed and Achmed are included in “Non-Hispanic White.”
7. The most successful Spic nations are barely wealthier than the absolute poorest European nations.
8. Spics have significantly higher obesity rates than Whites.
9. Spics have an average IQ range of 80 to 90, some variation depending on sources but close to a standard deviation below whites (Blacks have about 1 standard deviation from Whites)
10. There is no “melting pot.” We had laws in place to exclude all non-White immigrants. Since the US was formed, it has always been 80-90% Non-Spic White, comparable to European countries. The remaining population was black and could not vote or hold significant power. So who created the politics? The laws? The economy? The technology? Whites. That’s why the US is a White nation. A nation is not the ground it was built on, it is the work of the people.
11. “Spics can be great! Look at Cubans!” Cubans have very low Native blood. They are basically either Spaniard, Black, or a negro mix. Therefore, “White Cubans” probably actually are White.
(Sources will be in a reply to this post)

The biggest difference between Spics and Blacks is that Spics are taking over our country.

Middle Easterners make up less than 4% of Germany. Spics make up over 17% of the US. Literally over 4x the number of sandniggers.

Look at our streets. This is LA.

Is this okay with you?

Other urls found in this thread:



1-put them in an oven
2-start the oven

send the qt ones to argentina, though


what is the name of this spunk monk?


How can I get a latina gf a latina gf a latina gf a latina gf?

>Is this okay with you?


>those eyebrows
spic detected.

that's much better than plucking them away

lack of eyebrows adds 15 years

Maybe because most latinos that go to the U.S. are the poorest? Black people have had plenty of time to adapt. If you think you are safer living in africa than in latin america you are retarded

what did the MS 13 member mean by this?

>giving a serious reply to this thread

Lmao'ing at you right now
IDGAF, your white ass "facts" aren't going to change shit

there are no Colombians in USA its mostly mexicans sorry if you feel offended for some reason

>Is this okay with you?


Whites and blacks both use more welfare
That one is bs
Cubans being somehow different is also a meme but mexicans are bottom of the barrel latinos or more like indians


>si senior amigo Lopez taco tequila ajajajaja adios
the thread is filled with SPICS

t. mustafa hadzibegovic

how does it feel? Knowing that the country that you love so much is going to be overtaken by us? We are going to turn your gay ass United States of America into estados unidos da america. And the best part is that you can't do anything about it. Trump might build the wall, but it doesn't matter. We will find a way around and even if we don't the damage is already done. We reproduce fast whites don't. Get your anus ready cuck because we are cumming in and you gonna thank us for it.

t.mehmet slavaturk


Strange I haven't seen any african hordes

Very true

OP you must embrace the path of the /CHICANO/. It is the only way to reach the highest levels of spiritual attainment


You cannot be european when you were literally born in America and behave like a nigger

Muchisismo autismo

Feels good to be honest.

how do i learn gurani so i can survive the coming Paraguay takeover of the united states?

Too late Holmes! America already belongs to the /CHICANO/ JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA

stop being chicanos

deja de hacerte pasar por chicano gringo de mierda

Don't worry. Most Paraguayans speak spanish.


i want to fully integrate with my new
gurani tupi overlords
what does steve bannon have to do with anything?

As a french latin I approve of this post

With just a bit more makeup and some sunglasses.

Blacks helped build your country too.
Everything else is true.
>Is this okay with you?

no they didnt. Not every thing is made out of cotton spic

Lmao non-mexicans feeling proud of this even when they haven't done anything at all.

Nice trips Tejas.

it's not a good thing. spics are fucking trash that pollute everything they touch and they drive up crime rates. you're a fucking idiot if you think it's good just for the sake of overtaking.

What the fuck is a Brazilian doing in this thread?

please give asylum Australia I face a certain death with a spic takeover

That they learned a lot from the gangs in the U.S.

So much this. Fuck Mexicans, Caribbeans and Americans.

I love mexicans. they bring good food and have never caused me any trouble and I live in CHI central. It's the 2nd generation wanna be cholos that are annoying

>The biggest difference between Spics and Blacks is that Spics are taking over our country.

you are goddamn right

Lmao nigga are you seriously this afraid of brown people? Whitegois be SHAKING, holmes!


Spics as meant in language group. If you want to mock me for being black dont reason like a nigger

Just bants, also checked

Maybe I just want to see the world burn. Humanity wont go far anyway.

Good posts

Collecting (you)'s. You?

you dont expect me to sit here and listen to your complete bullshit do you? The only reason you love them is because you are one yourself its literally impossible to say anything good about mexico unless your Mexican


Fuck off. We have nothing to do with this. Hispanic my ass.

OP is a black poltard haha

im not almost every group in america hates you we fucking elected a president based on how fed up we are of you

It's fucking stupid, their populating USA turns it into a shithole, by virtue of their being there makes the place shitter. I don't see how they can see it as a good thing if it will just make the country a shithole. It's ridiculous to just want to go to another country for what? To just become the majority popualtion? What's the point of that if it's just going to drive up crimes rates and make the USA third world.

I don't know how else to explain it other than that? I mean it seems really irresponsible on their part to come to the USA if it's just going to make the country worse

not mexican m8. where do you live? claiming mexicans are worse than dindus is stupid as fuck. anyone who lives around both of them would know

You hate criminals you wouldn't say the same about a normal citizen.

they literally dont care they just want to conquer all of america and kill all white european people, they might try to rationalize it saying we were colonists are we made them poor or some nonsense like that but in reality we are successful and they want we created


Why do we want to kill European People if we have white population and culture imposed by Spaniards? it's our motherland you dumbass.

Literally the only American Poster who viciously hates on spanish as a languages, tells us that every other American hates hispanohablantes.

>Immigration = murder

Interesting maths they're teaching in junior high these days

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Source

9. IQ is a fucking meme, and "spic" isn't a race, it's an ethnicity and Spaniards are "spics" too.

10. Bullshit

11. Because the Cubans who went to the US actually went "for a better life" instead of being sent by Mexican druglords and gangs to sell drugs etc.

> The biggest difference between Spics and Blacks is that Spics are taking over our country.

Good, Estados Unidos de America.

He is way too deluded in his Sup Forumstard nonsense.

>spics actually think people like them

you would have to be blind to see that the USA will be a Mexican majority country by the end of the century

it's a destructive and irresponsible mindset they have

picture it this way: they come to the usa because of the better opportunities, living conditions and so on. but what they seem to not understand is that the US is what it is because of the specific people that made it. south america is the way it is because of the respective population that lives there and made it; for that reason south america is characteristic of south americans. so if they come to the usa and become the majority, the usa will become characteristic of south america therefore it will become just another south american country full of poverty and become akin to just any other south american country.

so if you think about it - their immigrating en masse defeats the whole purpose of moving at all. It's simply unsustainable and silly way of thinking on their part. thats how i see it. The nation is characterised by tbr majority, they become the majority it becomes another impoverished south american country. I just cant see the logic. they dont like south america so they move only to create another south america that will not be liked the same, it just isn't sustainable.

This, America is Latin, Quebec should be free and the USA should be EEUU

The upper class businessmen/narcos/politicians who run/ruin mexico are scum.

The chicanos aren't from that class, their parents are peasants.



Catch the fever and start plowing.

spic women look like golems on average

We get it bro, the mexican kid bullied you today. I think Sup Forums will better help you take the edge off.

i live in a white suburb

Sorry we invaded your town ese

but you didnt I intentionally live as far away from you animals as possible

You must work a really shitty job to be this upset with spics.

im a student at the moment

So you don't work with them and you live in a white hood. Where in Cali do you live?

Kek. It's funny b/c it's probably true. The mexican guy at my work told me that because of their ancestry, some baby mexicans tend to come out from nig dark to honk white. The white ones will tend to denounce their "mexicaness" and pass off as white, and live their lives that way; between the whites.

nowhere im in the Midwest where thankfully there inst to many of you

So you are mad at spanish based on what you read in Sup Forums?


OK so you don't live with them, work with them, go to school with them and you probably live a decent majority white town? How did Paco hurt you?


>Hispania was the Roman name for the Iberian Peninsula.

illegally invaded my country. They also ruined my trip to San Diego and boulder Colorado

>tfw no tough sturdy chola gf

>How did Paco hurt you?

By trying to make the USA into another impoverished South American shithole

You guys have Mexicans?

dont think CHIS will stop at USA they will take over the world given the chance

Hm dubious. Source for this claim?

Here's the board you're looking for: Sup Forums

>Hispanics consciously want to ruin a country.

take a stroll through any big city

weather they know it or not they are proactively destroying the country by trying to replicate the conditions that they come from

When have you ever met one bogan

I disagree about them all trying to do that. I know plenty of legal mexican immigrants that are pissed that their kids are competing with illegals for scholarships and financial aid, pissed that the fact that they worked hard to learn english then have to spend tax dollars on bilingual govt docs. And they also don't like getting undercut on blue collar jobs by illegals willing to live 10 to an apartment, get paid half as much then get subsidized by welfare.

Don't worry, we will never come to Australia and I agree that Australia (and Europe) should be white!