Can somebody explain to me what is the difference between killing one self and killing another person

can somebody explain to me what is the difference between killing one self and killing another person.

There is none, you are quite a transcended being to understand this.

I dunno OP, why dont you try both in that order

sounds challenging

Well, if you kill yourself, we're guaranteed to have one less useless asshole out there. If you kill someone else, there's no telling who we lose.

Please don't breed

how so? you know about me as much as you know about most other people on the planet.


you are free to decide about your own fate.
you are not allowed to decide about another's fate.

However, you are free to vote for your government, which in turn gains the authorization of its majority of citizen to make judgements about single citizens in the name of all citizens, if they cross the rules that are put in place for all citizens by the authorization of the majority of citizens.
By being part of society you accept the decision of the majority and in turn receive the right to influence them with your own vote.

Ignoring this process and taking justice into your own hands, even if you think the person in question deserves death, is Self-adjudication, and a illegal act, since it undermines the authority of the majority.

It's much easier to kill two other people than to kill two self.

I know that you're on Sup Forums at what's most likely an unreasonable hour asking questions like this, so...I'd say I've got good odds.

It's bait, sperg lord.

i can see your point is somewhat valid
but what if you have a twin and you kill him or he does suicide too?

don't judge on me for performing my freedom of wasting my free time how I want..

One involves you dying, the other doesn't.


i've never heard of this question being posed before. my first instinct is that if one were to seriously pursue this line of thought you would run into the old 'free will' debate which in turn always leads to some kind of 'is there a human soul' debate.

if there is a soul, something outside of this meaty thing with desires and fears and ego we call ourselves, then there might not be much difference between murder and suicide...

fuck, i shouldn't even attempt this, will keep an eye out for arguments along this topic.

you can choose to take your own life because you own yourself. you cant choose to take the life of another because that infringes upon basic human rights which our society is founded upon.


you just implied free will.

i'm not saying there isn't any such thing, but you sure as shit can't just imply it off hand like that. its a thorny issue.

also suicide or choosing to die in some way is forbidden in many parts of the civilized world.

>By being part of society you accept the decision of the majority

you kinda act like there is a choice.

there isn't. I'm not some kind of anarchist, but don't act like escaping from the society you were born into (western) is as easy as walking away or checking a box marked 'non participant' cause it isn't.

if you kill someone else, you can always kill again. but if you kill yourself, you can't kill anymore. it's like having a chicken and eating the eggs vs. eating the chicken.

but please nobody kill anybody.

how/when does one get ownership about one self? if i have ownership about myself can i transfer this ownership to another person?

shhhh - you're thinking. stop it.

It's kinda like tickling yourself. You've gotta hire someone else to do it

You cant transfer ownership because others aren't you you don't kill others because you respect the limits imposed by mutual agreement this mutual agreement is guaranteed by law, but is also moral is in our body's dna we evolved like this so we won't kill eachother this morality is also based on pain and pleasure and a group of cells called mirror cells

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