Women are immature, because society doesnt force them to grow up. prove me wrong

women are immature, because society doesnt force them to grow up. prove me wrong

Jews did 9/11

Western white women are

God is real

hispanic fag here. this is only true in wealthy societies. in ours you have to mature faster, hence its legal to fuck 14 year olds here.

Hitler did nothing wrong

I like them as childish as possible, so I'm fine with that. The only thing they need to let grow is my dick.

Alright guys this is what happens when you give women rights. Lets just take all their rights and put them back in the kitchen where they belong.

Nice try pretend chad.

Everyone knows that 1st world countries (aka the one which op says girls are bitchy in) have incredibely low birth rates. So chanced are you wont have a bitchy gril worshipping your 3 incher

taking away women's right to vote would solve many problems tbh

Hello Mr Trump

You are wasting you life posting on a Vietnamese basket-weaving forum about women being immature. Surely you see the irony?

There ego gets bloated cause of the social advantages they have. They get treated like pincesses so they'll behave like it.

But no worries user. When they get older they crash, hard (seen it before).

Are you just swinging random words at me? Even for Sup Forums standard this is a retarded comment.

society (aka mainstream media) force them to be sluts - and immature as well

>prove me wrong
Why should we have to prove you wrong?
You have presented your hypothesis, now back it up with some evidence.


Only two serious answers kek

the right does this all the time too.

come to think of it, most people do this shit every day of their lives.

people are shit.

This is the shit we have to deal with now


are women just not as smart as men on evolutionary reasons?