Dumping an abusive relationship I just saw go public on Facebook

Dumping an abusive relationship I just saw go public on Facebook.

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Unrelated picture. Just wanted to give a final bump after the dump.

Holy crap. She's literally having a mental breakdown in front of everyone she knows. Dude wants to run away as fast as he can. Unstable bitch.

>I'm mad at my husband
> Have you talked to him about it?
>No I blocked him.. that'll show him to like an article I didn't give him permission to
>women logic


Skimmed through it and it seems she made the articles point all on her own. Jesus Christ. I will say that if your profile picture is some spongebob squarepants shit, your probably not worth the time of day.

She's right. Fuck him for liking that shit. hopefully she takes him for all she can.

If he has a problem, he should take it up with the wife.

What's funny is the article essentially says "Holy fucking shit I am an awful nagging cunt! Why the fuck do I do that?!?!?"

link related


So the facebook cunt has the same behavior but is not self aware.

To be fair, it looks like the husband has a dbz profile pic.

I just tried to find the convo on fb but couldn't. We should all get involved in it. You know, stir the shit life on us bros can.

I like how Jessica's name was blocked out in all instances excpt the first one.

Interesting article though I have no sympathy for the woman.

Married for 12 years here.

Super jealous, controlling wife in the beginning of the marriage. Drove women friends away, and I didn't mind her asserting her female dominance.

Time goes by and she turns that sour, nasty behavior towards me.

I'm a Latino though. Yes, very well educated and from a good family, but I know there are times you just need to "feel" and act as opposed to 'think'.

We had a huge fight. She threatened to hit me. You know what I said in response?

"I'm 6'0, 230lbs, built in case you forgot what it feels like to be plowed by me. You so much as touch me, and I will beat you. Try it. I'll take jail, but you'll be just another middle-aged dried up bitter cunt starring at some fat slob, in his bed, hoping he'll give you shit-tier children with what little time you have on your bio-clock. I'll ROAST all of my cash for a good attorney to free me up, and I'll have a record, but I'm the prime meat in a market of desperate bitches JUST LIKE YOU, looking to get knocked up, and I can provide way past my 40s. So yeah, hit me. I want you to".

She started crying histerically. Apologized. Responds with "yes sweetheart" and asks "please darling?"

If there's something she's doing o don't like, a stern look is all she needs. She's pregnant with our 2nd child, and seems happier.

Men need to realize that testosterone isn't "nice", or "passive". Fucking let your biology work or another man will do it for you.

I'd hate to have to argue with someone like that.
Bitches be crazy

>Equating liking an article to finding it something he has a problem with
>Women Logic

For "liking" an article that isn't necessarily even related to their marriage? Hi Kayla

No wonder the bitch is fucked in the head.

imma save this for copypasta

Nice dubs m8

After looking at both closely the below are their profile pictures.

>Profile picture is Goku Black from Dragonball Super.

>Profile picture is Stitch with Pikachu.

Ops picture is next to write a reply

Convo can be found as some name were left un redacted.

What did he mean by this?

Yeah thats some funny shit right there

Technically dudes, he SHARED it. Which makes it look like it's something he agrees with. Definitely a little more instigating than a like... But she's still obviously bat shit.

you wouldn't need to let your "biology" work if you didn't have a shit wife. you knew she was like this in the beginning and you still stayed with her? i've never had to give my wife a "stern look" to keep her sane. she's not a cunt. now that you have kids, you're stuck with her for life. why the fuck would anyone with half a brain take any of your advice?

He didn't share it. You need to look at all the images. The profile with the dbz pic isn't Brandon. You see Brandon's name on the only images saying "someone please Screenshot this."

True, but people keep thinking they can change their spouse...

>german woman
>posts critique of fathers
>whinges about doublestandard while being ignorant of what she does herself

Yeah I wonder why he would agree with the points made in that article, you stupid fuck

that really is the problem. lazy or stupid people don't want to look for the right person, so they try to change the wrong person. if you want good food, you're gonna have to cook a little.


And diamonds start as coal, see how I can write up any analogy to fit my view? Your words don't mean much at all. More often now people get into a relationship merely for the right to say they’re in one. This stupefies me to this day that this goes on, that there is no emotional connection any more and if there is it’s watered down to hormonal lust. I don’t mean to associate this with polygamous relations, I refer to people seeking a partner just for the social title of boyfriend/girlfriend.

People I know through my circle, friends of friends, were openly expressing between themselves who’s ‘viable’ to be their boyfriend/girlfriend as if people were merely fashion accessories, the transformation of man into merchandise. I’d expect this from teenagers in high-school but to see grown ass adults doing it simply boggles the mind. Most people get that emotional high and then that feeling dies after things go their way briefly.

I believe in love at first sight but that’s only the beginning of a relationship, you need to invest your time on making the other person better and in turn I believe.. they’ll improve you. So many possible relationships end due to 'ooh the spark died’, 'it doesn’t feel the same any more’.
These people are destined for a miserable life of going from relationship to relationship living for that initial spark and leaving when it ends, they’ll either grow up or settle for someone.

Invest in your relationship or get the fuck out is my philosophy love isn’t easy, you have to work for it. No you shouldn't put up with abuse, but don't be so quick to dismiss someone for not descending from the heavens with a halo and an open womb ready to be filled with your seed, fucking retarded logic.

>german woman
how is that even relevant to the topic?

German women are known to be entitled cunts that live in fairyland with no forethought for repercussions for their actions or any ability to empathise with people other than themselves

Because Schultzes are fucking crazy man...

it was just a silly analogy. you're definitely right. i didn't mean you should look for someone perfect. everyone has baggage, but i would try to work that out before i have kids. i have plenty of mental issues and my wife does, too. we help each other with them and it works for us. looking for someone perfect is retarded logic, but i just mean to find someone with whom you're compatible. maybe then people wouldn't have to intimidate their husbands and wives to be something they may or may not be.

Good call. I stand corrected. Bitch is crazier than I thought.

Makes more sense, you're right

I want to reiterate that in clear cut cases of abuse or crazy fucking women the guy should just up and leave, no contact and leave it at that to cut his losses. Obviously the same goes for women who find themselves with fucked up men, but I am a male so I identify with the struggles males encounter more so.

i'd try to make it work, but i'd be fucking out of there if she didn't want to try. some don't.

Some people can't see past their own noses and there's no helping, it always takes effort on both sides to make a relationship work and that is set in stone. My ex was the worse for that bullshit, and my fiancee now is great at trying despite her own problems, you can love and even respect a well meaning failure but you can never respect someone who doesn't even attempt to try

ITT: narcissistic wife. Look it up. I hate narcs.

Narcissistic personality disorder. She has it.