Dmt/acid fags get in here, share dem stories

dmt/acid fags get in here, share dem stories.

So this one time I was playinhh Jazz music


I haate the music Jazz, and my sister the Jewzzzz did ist because when the Jazz isn on then the Hews can do whatever they want twith the trade center

I will never let then get to me

Do you like Jazz?


On a comedown from +/- 700ug acid trip.
Experienced ego death for the first time
Trying to recover and thinking what should I do

was that the story?


Posted this last night. My worst story
come over around 11
>trying to get laid
>friend and I take tabs before they come over
>who knows the fuck why
>decided to take two
>get in hot tub while the buzz is starting to kick in
>tub for a good 15 minutes shooting the shit about school
>out the fuck of nowhere heavy ass rain kicks it
> shit starts getting real for me
> each drop starts feeling like a marble falling right on me
>so much fucking rain and steam I have to really fucking focus past it to even notice there's people
>realize I've been staring at rain for what felt like 20 minutes and try and bring myself back into whatever conversation they were having
>talking about life in there countries
>look over at friend
> hanging strong not looking phased by his tab
>He looks over at me
>I've never seen him look so scared for me in his whole life
>I try to join the conversation
>start asking them questions about what the culture was like thinking I sound so smart
>can't even fucking register what they said
>the rain sounded like someone dropped an infinite amount of pennies and the sound vibrates through my ears
>the solid rush from the jets is too fucking loud
>ask each one them about what they miss about home
>again no fucking clue what I heard from the background noise
>ask one girl what it was like being able to legally smoke pot in Denmark
It was pre legalize days
>again nothing
>this goes on for 3 more fucking questions!
>friend finally tells me I've been asking each girl about the wrong fucking countries the whole time!
>been asking Danish girl what it was like in Germany and vice versa
>apparently they kept telling me I was confusing the two of them every single time or they couldn't understand what the fuck I was saying because I was slurring so bad
>the terror of knowing all chances of the rest of the night going good are all but fucked and drift back into vegetable mode

Dammit user are you me

Yes please continue


can you talk about it?

Where did user go? I was going to enjoy this story whilst eating my bagel

Smoke some weed and watch fellowship of the ring

>friend jumps right back into talking to them while I'm staring at a tree between them
>tree was fucking shaking and the branches slowly drifted towards the girls
>can't tell how long it took but apparently I was enough to make the girls just get out and leave
>don't say a fucking word
> the tree, the rain, the stars
> friend doesn't even leave hot tub to walk them out he's so worried about me
>Doesnt help his chances get any anytime
plus the night was gonna get a fuck ton worse for the both of us
> we load a bowl after I gain some focus again
>talk about some existential high shit about what being happy REALLY means to us and the universe
> Hit the peak of conversation
>rain still throwing itself down
>life's real meaning or some shit moment
>literally the second I finish saying it I stand up and the same time lighting FUCKING strikes and hits the FUCKING TREE!!
>pant shitting mode engaged
>Tree is on fire for a good 10 minutes while me and friend are splashing water on it from the tub
>realize cops might come because fire
>jet the fuck out of the hot tub and for inside
(No cops come. the fire went out by the rain sometime that night)
>his parents are still asleep as we sneak downstairs
>no word to explain what the hell just happened
>Sign from FSM or something
>other friend (2) calls and askes to come over
The real problem of the night
>it's 1:30
>well we gotta fucking tell someone what the fuck just happened!
>2 comes over
>tell him about the religious moment we just had
>he's never done acid wants to try
>me and my friend are fried enough to give him a tab
>night goes good for a solid 40 minutes before shit hits the fan
>friend 2's high starts kicking in around 2:30 telling us how good it feel he feels like a god
>minutes pass when he starts whispering "I am God, I am God"
Slowly gets louder and louder while we try to tell him friends parents are up stairs.

This is a good story. Continue.

pls continue

>me and my friend were done peaking a good 20 minutes ago and now just on edge from tree, cops, high, and #2
>visuals were weak now but brain was fucked
>2's eyes looked solid black and he's now yelling "I AM GOD!!!" to wake the neighborhood!
>both of us scared shitless to where we tackle him to the ground trying to hold his mouth shut.
>2 has a solid 50 pounds on both of us so it's a struggle keeping him down while holding my hand over his mouth while he's flailing
>"mmm god"
motherfucking footsteps from upstairs
>he calms down enough for us to drag him into friends room
>friend locks me in there with 2 so he can stall his dad from checking in on us
>try calming him down with no success.
>say we'll get in deep shit if he doesn't
>God doesn't get in fucking trouble and is angry he's held captive
>he kicks me in the fucking face & runs at the door
>the whole door is banging like a gunshot
> I'm still on the floor terrified, high and numb
>blood coming from my eyebrow
>God grabs the torch lighter and tries burning the fucking door down!
>footsteps coming down the stairs now
>grab him by the fucking neck and from under the armpit from behind dropping him on top of me
>what the fucks happening tonight?!
>I'm backing packing him legs and all trying to keep him down
>hand over his mouth while he's screaming
>lock on door is giggling
Hope is lost
>friends dad is the only one is sight
>sees the catastrophy of Man vs God
>with a solid punch in the face he knocks 2 the fuck out!
>picks him up and carries him upstairs to guest room with bath connecting and locks him in the fucking bathroom
>goes back to his room to grab baseball bat & spends the rest of the night in guest room just in case
>tells me & friend to go the fuck to sleep & not leave friends room underneath the guest room
>sleep is long but gone at this point out fear for everything and the high
Mostly the end

Good story. Thanks user.

Morning after
>friends dad didn't like 2 to begin with
>tell his parents and never hear from or see him for 4 months
> he's never allowed back at house
>friend told dad everything before he opened the door to see me anaconda squeezing #2
>my parents never were told a thing
> the tree was scorched and was told me and my friend had to cut it down if we didn't want to get in trouble
>had to fill up hot tub because we splashed more than half the tub in our wake of stupidity
>friend still got grounded for 3 weeks
Only did acid at once at a concert after that holy experience.

Might be day tripping this weekend alone any suggestions?

Do it early in the morning so you can maybe get sleep. Also maybe have a dog or a companion to talk to so you don't get lost in your thoughts.

That was worth the read, good job, user.
