The President of the United States of America

The President of the United States of America

Other urls found in this thread:

The butt hole on this girl

Can you imagine



Looks good to me


Shitposting bot incoming




Mah momma always sed, stoopid is as stoopid does.


I love these threads coz it means cute Asian girls in swimsuits are just around the corner!


where are you TrumpBotā„¢?



Famous movie memorabilia for sale on Amazon.




What the fuck does his hat say, is that Russian?!






I'm pretty sure they said they're something like 2nd cousins.

I don't know how closely related they are, but they are in fact related.


Weve really stepped our game up in the course of ten years.




It says 3DPD





It's time to MAGA. Liberals better be scared of our guns


>posting pics of true American-loving citizens upset that our once proud nation is now being destroyed

Not sure what point you're trying to make, that loving America is bad?

lol nvm "The Donald and Hillary are 19th cousins"










Whoa. I wouldn't mess with that guy






He is neither Asian, a woman nor wearing a bikini. Sad.

The Presidents of the United States of America



>a tale of infinite tits and pussy
>all I see is gay








The day people who hate America won.


This bloated orange piece of shit will have a presidential library some day. A man who, like his voters, has never stepped foot in a library will have his name on one, and probably in tacky gold lettering.


god i hate jews

I had an obesity-related joke for this.





Alot of good reactions

That bitch has a huge thumb.




>this guy spamming random pictures means the image limit will be hit before we get cute Asian girls



Why is this funny? She thought America might have a future that wasn't rife with anti-intellectualism and willful ignorance, but Trump won.





What good are libraries to people who are almost illiterate?



In ten years time we'll be dropping MOABs ourselves


Fuck you faggot, I wanted cute Asian girls, not this shit.



