Rate my ass

Rate my ass

8/10 would jiggle nicely while getting plowed

7.5/10 would try gay sex

Wedgie a pair of boxers in your crack like a thong


Take a picture of your ass while you lay down on your side

would fag that ass hard



Tits or gtfo

I'm a man tho

Im ashamed this gives me a boner. Fuck you.

Would you ever do facesitting? That's a perfect bubble butt.

You're welcome.

Would top all night

I mean maybe? I'm pretty straight and most women aren't into that unless it's them sitting on my face. Theoretically yes.


>pretty straight
If showing off you ass to horny men is pretty straight, I can't wait to see what you do when you're a full blown bottom.

Eh, I just like being a tease. It makes me feel good about myself lol. I find men pretty repulsive most of the time.

Don't lie


Not lying lol. What do you want to see


Panties rolled down on your thighs




I don't have panties, I tried

a lil bit off peeing would be sweet and you sounding your dick and all

your ass turns me on but when i see your face my dick will commit sucide

Which is why I'm not showing my face lol. Your dick is welcome.

welcome to fucking you or the sucide its a two way street

which one did you mean ?

Why not both


can we see dick