S/Fur Time, don't let the ride come to an end

S/Fur Time, don't let the ride come to an end



aw ye -J









Got any arcanine?

Sorry mate, I do not





But if the thread was more female-friendly, would there not be more females?
It's surprisingly easy to control what demographics are in the thread.


Good, I want that to happen



It's really not. Don't kid yourself. We aren't the jews, we can't control people like that. On top of that, changing ourselves to appeal to other people is just cuckery. If chicks want to come to these threads then they'll come whether we change it or not.




Yo yo

Welcome back

hey dude.

hey guys







Hey Dash



How's it going?



Pretty bad.


wat deh feck?


>putting duct tape/whater this on her tits is on hair
That's really retarded tbqh m8

Sorry man

Trying to make it another day, that's all


Its porn, it does't have to make sense!

I guess that's all you can really ask for.

The things we give up for sexiness

Yep, it pretty much is.

What's wrong today?





Same as always. Just horribly depressed. I've been trying to not let it get to me, but it was just too bad today. Ended up not going to class, and literally slept all day. I just got up about half an hour ago.






Ah man, sorry about that. Sounds really rough. Some days it really does just get to you.





Yep. I don't even know what I want anymore. I'm never happy and never will be. I knew that long ago. Sometimes I really do consider ending it.





You'll figure out what you want, or at least the steps to try and get there to keep you going.

At least that's what I tell myself


















Hey gents.



I'm going to take a leap of faith and be financially irresponsible and get that car

Even though I told the guy I couldn't afford it

Welcome to the party!

Heya Sloth.

Hey Hotshot

I hope he'll respond

Glad to be here!

Bold move, Cotton. Time to tighten up finances.

Cool, man. I hope you get it