Only had 2 drinks tonight guys. Feeling pretty good, fighting the urge to drink more. I'm socially drinking again!

Only had 2 drinks tonight guys. Feeling pretty good, fighting the urge to drink more. I'm socially drinking again!

Yeah, and?

I'm an alcoholic 2 years sober

Good job Mel

Thanks user

Cool story bro

Thinking I am going to get a drink. Slowing way down, but why stop?

Don't do it user. Once you are a pickle you can't go back to being a cucumber.

Yeah, it is possible to drink in moderation. What triggers binging for you OP? For me, it attending a mediocre movie.

trips too??? what a shame.

>1. eat about 500 aspirins
>2. go to bed
>3. ride out the nausea the next day, make sure to go to sleep in the tub from the constant blood shitting and puking.
> morning go to the hospital
>6. welcome to never drinking again

this is how i stopped my drinking problem anyway. i still get the urges to just pound a pint of whiskey but half a beer puts me to bed these days.

Good job OP. I always get drunk once I touch alcohol, so I am trying to avoid it altogether.

So yeah!

For me it's my friends and sports

Nice trips

so 2 drinks still counts as sober?

This is how I was for years

I've been limiting myself to 2 tall cans per drinking session

I'm easing into social drinking again

I went 2 years no alcohol at alln before that I'd get black out drunk 3 nights a week and drink almost every day

Fuck man just have a couple. What the fuck possesses people to consume alcohol like it's water and not stop? This is why I don't drink because I don't understand it but I damn well respect it. You're headed for trouble OP. You'll overdrink soon, you'll justify it (it was his BIRTHDAY) and pretty soon you won't need justification anymore (it's THURSDAY). Seriously just quit the fucking stuff your life will be so much better.

Bullshit we all know mel hangs on in Sup Forums.

I think I am going to have the last few beers in my fridge and watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.. for the first time ever...

>socially drinking
wtf does that even mean?

>What the fuck possesses people to consume alcohol like it's water and not stop
Alcohol is very addictive and messes with the reward centre of your brain. I know alcohol is the cause of a lot of my problems and I've really hurt myself from drinking but I still get the urge to drink.
Drinking in moderation is a big step for me

why are you doing that? what's wrong about social not-drinking?

>socially drinking
>wtf does that even mean
Not binge drinking, just having a couple cocktails to take the edge off but remain fit to drive

Because it's a big part of my social life and I feel like I'm missing out or if I meet new people at a social event I dont want them to think I'm a square or Muslim for not drinking

sounds like the (retarded) rationalizations of an alcoholic to find an an excuse to teeter on the edge long enough to not feel guilty or responsible for falling off the wagon again.

Don't shatter my illusions!

that's pretty petty and you know that.
i'm german and i don't drink alcohol. and even tho this is the country of beer i am still able to socialize just fine.

You got all those Muslims to be friends with though

How ya doing, sugartits?
Are you a jew?

*Mel in Malibu

Honestly, I don't see any point of living if I can't drink. Drinking is a part of everything I enjoy. A nice meal without wine? Travelling with friends without having drinks? Football game and no beer? Flying to fucking Asia for a business trip and no wine on the flight?

I'd rather blow my head off. I love drinking.

that's called not being a degenerate at the very least you are describing basic self-control.. maybe you need jesus

assuming athey could speak my language and had compatible values and views, yes.

people admire the strength it takes for an alcoholic to stay sober, doubly so in social drinking situations, far more than they do watching them do what your doing right now. cut the shit and be honest and people will genuinely respect you and not that fake shit they are handing everyone else.

>you are describing basic self-control
I know what I am describing, you obviously have no experience with addiction so I'll let your ignorance slide

Hm thanks user. It's just as we alcoholics say; if i weren't an alcoholic I'd be able to drink every day.

Just knowing I have the self control to have 2 drinks then head home and drink no more is still a comforting feeling tho

If this post is serious, then you'll never be a social drinker. You're one of us and we can't. It's cool though, you probably won't miss it. One day.

For now.

I get your point. I only bought 4 talk boys for the month of April and had2 tonight for playoff hockey. Maybe I'll just give the other 2 away

Tall boys*

it would be better training to keep them and ration them.

at the least just dont buy any more till april is over. the road away from booze is a tricky one and im not sure where you are in your recovery, but if your not shitting me you sound like you will be ok if you stay away from the drinking parties. if you can have a few drinks and not end up on a bender there is a chance that going full sober will lead to catastrophic relapse. 4 tall boys a month sounds fine to me.

Thanks user

i mean, im no professional, i just met a lot of alcoholics during the 5th step of and from what it sounds like, as long as your focusing on turning the few tall boys to none and not using these victories as a reason to drink more you should be on the right path.