I paid $40 for my girlfriend's lingerie, did i get ripped off?

I paid $40 for my girlfriend's lingerie, did i get ripped off?

yea cause she died

how dare you op its to soon

I would say no. I pay 30-40 dollars for a bra sometimes

holy fuck man. too soon...

three soon

Too soon OP

not funny dude

too soon...

I paid 40 bucks to fuck your girlfriend. Did I get ripped off?

Holy shit you guys its been a decade. How long are you going to keep saying "too soon"

dude it will always be too soon, like 9/11, the holocaust, the death of god, and united airlines


still feels like yesterday...

Two moons, OP

God damn, can't believe it's been that long. Ten years on the Internet is like 80 dog years.


Listen, if the dipshit OP is going to pretend that's his girlfriend he's going to get the stale old meme.

Mucho Soono OP

40 for a dead chick? Ya did gud

The funny thing is this shit was debunked, the bitch ain't dead, good meme though nice to see at least some of Sup Forums still remembers it.

what brand was it?

Who is top right?

sarl cagan

oh so soon.