What are some ways to commit suicide that will leave my organs intact?

What are some ways to commit suicide that will leave my organs intact?

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Ok u need to talk out Sup Forumsitch?
Let it all out on the table rn

tube from exhaust to cabin of car

noose, A.K.A. Old Faithful

I heard you die horribly with migraines and vomiting. You dont just fall asleep and die

Come on Sup Forumsro, whats the problem?

watch seven pounds, or just the ending where will smith commits suicide

An exit bag is the cleanest way to off yourself.

Future is extremely bleak. Nearly flunking college, stuck studying some shit I have no interest in, have zero friends. I have no drive to push forward. Life keeps kicking me in the dick and I'd rather just end it now than drag it out.

Damn your problems are all solvable m8 smh your even in your prime years might as well fuck around rn and worry about life later

can you just gift me battlegrounds asshole op?



tbh I've considered dropping out and just going into IT or electrician work. Feels like I'm just wasting time where I am right now

Then do that! That's a much better solution than offing yourself, and it sounds like anything would be better than what you're doing now, so why not try?

Slice your wrist in the hospital. Up the tracks. Once they pronounce you dead 9/10 times they will harvest your organs right then and there if it's a big hospital and you have a donor card. But before you do, just remember that college is all about finding out what you don't want to do. If it's not working, go find a job where you're happy. Working with your hands is good money, and working on cars is minimal requirement, and as you get trained, you get big money. The more you know, the more you earn

How intact and which organs? I guess stopping the heart with an electric shock and rigging up a dead man's hand to contact the authorities after half an hour or so would be the least possible damage, as far as organs go.

You can permantly damage the heart that way, a hospital wouldn't take the risk, plus fry your retinas, they won't be able to use either.

not op but if you get trips on this response, i buy you battlegrounds.
i need proof so i dont give it to some other faggot.

College sucks dude. I've been where you're at. When I was going I saw a psychiatrist because I was trying to get adderall so I could do better. That psychiatrist told me that dropping out of college isn't a failure, but just another fork taken in the road. Life is always changing and it's never the wrong time to reevaluate you're situation. I make shit money now, but comparatively I'm really happy. I don't think about dying anymore or anything.

I guess what I'm saying is that you aren't a failure if you don't finish school right now. Go do something else for a while and reevaluate things. You can be happy still.

I will an hero as well. I dont want to adquire wizard powers in 8 years.

Well, yes, that's why I started with the question. You can't exactly die with all healthy and functioning organs. That said, you can pretty much minimize damage to your heart in order for it to be useable if you know what you're doing. But if the heart is a concern, attack the brain.

hanging choking basically if you brake your kneck or stop breathing

don't do it Sup Forumsro

But the heart is one of the most needed organs, next to the kidney. Gotta keep our former Vice President fed somehow

suffocation is literally the worse way out.and unless you break your neck, youll regret it.

Thanks for the advice, guys. maybe I can turn my life around just yet.

BUT! If you do an hero. Have some fun with it. Imagine the joy of someone finding you dead with nothing more than a Batman mask on. It'll be funny. Change your life for gods sake, but if you must go, go out a legand

production of carbon monoxide

inhalation of carbon monoxide

>death from carbon monoxide

he didn't say he wanted it quick just to preserve organs.

Join the army.
Or suffocate yourself

>get a long rope
>tie rope to tree
>put around neck
>get in car