Is this real? supposed to be Chloe Moretz. and does anyone have brenda song's set?

Is this real? supposed to be Chloe Moretz. and does anyone have brenda song's set?

Tattoo looks weird to me
Maybe shopped


Definitely not real, tattoo was not on the original.

This is all I have of her.

Thats why no one went crazy about it. Brenda song set anyone?


This apparently, and

She would have bigger arms



I've seen those, but it's all very suspicious. I thought there was more. Whats the onion link to buy those if any? I'll do it myself

tattoo is too straight in the pic and the mole is in the wrong spot.

Would appreciate it bruh, get jlaw too, she mah boo

Yea like hulk arms


>Chloe Moretz
No, son. Chloe is shaped like a fucking refrigerator



Get the fuck out.

This chick has curves. Chloe is a box, with triangular shaped tiddis, and her mound is pure fat

Chloe has a pierced nipple

Eat a dick faggot, stop lusting after linebackers and get better taste in women

Two or three bad photos. That's it And you fucking virgins go apeshit and claim she's "Built like a linebacker".

Go back to jacking off to little girls you fucking beta peice of garbage.

>blames the camera
Kys you fuckin retard. The bitch is fucking ugly.

>posts a photoshopped picture
You already lost the arguement, and now you're just throwing a tantrum. Shut the fuck up and stop wasting my time you mouth breather.

>muh photoshop


Damn! Chloe Moretz looks like that?

Ask her yourself, shes here ITT raging

>Chloe fell for the starting strength meme
Really activates those almonds

Fukin kek, the Chloe fans are getting salty here

lol, mustve scared her off

Not her. No pierced nipple.


Her face might be a weirdly cute 6-7/10, but her body has never gone above a 4.