Everywhere there is porn

Everywhere there is porn.
Almost on every board there are sexual images and more.
Don't you get it that porn corrupts your mind?
Don't you wanna discuss about something?
You can find porn everywhere, but it is hard to find a good thread.

I actually want to avoid it too. How are you ? How was your day user ?

Going in, what are you reading? Or which movies do you like?
Also tired of all the porn on all the fucking boards.

Discuss, Peas or Corn?

Wtf dude.

>it is hard to find a good thread

clearly not hard to find a bad one though



>Don't you wanna discuss about something?

ok. what?

What's in the news today? The United passengers violently removed from the plane? The "MOAB" that was dropped yesterday? The holiday?


i dont want to talk about the world because the world depresses me. there's nothing we can do to ACTUALLY change things for the better for everyone, so its best to just come here and shit post and wank and then go to sleep.

the real world is awful and depressing.

im wired (by nature) to find women attractive, but attractive women seem like the most vapid and vacuous and insipid human beings to walk this fucked up earth.

i wish i could punch them in the fucking face for taking so many fucking pictures and videos of themselves. one can only wonder if they fucking sleep with their eyes open and in front of a fucking mirror.

i feel ya

women like this should be treated like property.

Well, do you want to do anything other than shitposting?

well, do you agree that the world is fucked up and depressing? and the more you know about it the more you want to recede from it?

Not the same user, but not really no.

This Jesus Christ. wish I had more money to drink more to forget more.

Honestly, Sup Forums in itself is kinda getting redundant and stale, since Sup Forums gives off most of Sup Forums's atrocious reputation and all there is are just shitpost, rolling, porn, and rekt threads. Nothing fun goes on around here, and not even one "good" thread can fix that.

But still we return, hoping for something "fun" to distract us from our mediocre life.

Nothing is sacred.
Breeding is a business now.
Romance is dead.