How is Sup Forums anonymous?

How is Sup Forums anonymous?

To post, you need to enable

all of which track you and store your every move. Otherwise, you can't solve the Captcha. Doesn't work with TOR, almost all TOR servers are banned. Same goes for free VPN servies.

How is any of this "anonymous"?

pic related. it's also a trap.

Other urls found in this thread:


can you tell me how any of this is "anonymous"?

I use uBlock Origin, Disconnectme and NoScript.
people are browsing Sup Forums on their fucking phones. is everyone careless about anonymity?

ty bro. didnt knew about the 2 other

It's not. Is just anonymous in the way that you don't share your name nor need to create an account, but of course someone skilled enough can find you via what you already said. Although, full anonymity would be a dumb thing to do, illegal stuff would be posted frequently and give much more work to mods.

the real question is who the fuck cares

nn threads died out around 2007 so theres no reason to hide when Sup Forumsrowsing anymore

NoScript can be annoying, as you constantly need to give exceptions and rights on new sites, but it's good. DisconnectMe keeps out facebook sniffing on you and all that shit.

yeah I guess, but then again. Google can just go "Oh, look, it's that IP again. Let's see what's being posted". which sucks.

well, do you know who you're going to be in ten years? everyone who is going to be famous in the future is basically laying out his web history beforehand. say you use amazon, google, your ISP or whatever will grab your real name off of it and connect it to your IP.

You internet history is a new currency.
So following this train of thought down the road some more, you can basically blackmail any future politician who is young right now in 2017 in a matter of years, based on his recorded browsing history. The posibilities are endless. It may not be happening already (or does it?) but it will eventually .... just saying.

seriously, at least read the headline


I don't think you understand what a trap actually is.

woah i never thought about that....

well identity theft is still an option, if I do become famous, I should have enough to buy a new identity

can't say, sorry user

I think I do. Just let my lame play on words go unnoticed.

Nothing is anonymous you dumb fuck, even TOR is not anonymous. The feds will find you with tor, proxies, vpn, whatever. The day you realize you will never be anonymous (unless you spoof your Mac and sink your laptop you traveled up the local river by boat to catch free wifi) you will never be anonymous

THINKING TOR OR VPN MAKE YOU ANONYMOUS....!!! you need to learn something kid

That's the thing. I don't think anyone is aware of what all of this means in the future.
We are using smart phones and tablets that hardly allow you to go into the software and make proper privacy precautions, other than those that they allow you to make.
Who knows which VPN provider is not a government funded company? If I was a governemt, I'd spend that silly fraction of my budget on setting up bogus VPN services and record the shit out of each and every user info.

Look up "Fin Fisher" manuals on Wikileaks.

like I didn't know that already....
it's basically digital placebos.

Samefagging so hard here. YOU WILL NEVER BE ANONYMOUS

It is end-user anonymous you fuckturd, it never claimed it is anything else. All sites get your IP anyway.

Google does not give a fuck about you and your only chance of fame is on a cringe thread so stop worrying.

OP here
I'm not samefagging, if that's what you're saying

not me:

It's anonymous because in the name field we all have Anonymous as our name. Your ISP is selling your data.

Your comment boils down to the fact that you are actually a pessimist. Maybe you'll be an influential person one day, who knows? Or did you give yourself up already?
You need to reconsider what a problem all this can be in a few years time, or now already.

No, I was samefagging, to get a point across. Today's age, they will always find you no matter what. Unless of course you travel by boat under tree cover away from satellite imagery and sink your laptop in the river, a burner used once. They have means. Call me crazy, but it's the only way

Everyone above this post kys

exactly. especially the US ISPs from now on.

facebook is selling your every move on the web as well. wherever there's a like-button, facebook knows you were there.

Use uMatrix instead of noscript

nice, I'll check up on that.

why don't you an hero?

Too excited for the End Times.

wow, this actually sounds good. i'll install it

Thing is, you can not avoid it. Google owns us.

HOWEVER, famous or nah, all you fuckturds should think what you share on social media, including YT accounts.

Also use different aliases, fake emails and info when using reddit tier sites (public and with sign up).

This way, if a future employer googles your name he wont find your nazi boards and furry roleplay sites.

Basic fucking sense people, anything beyond that is paranoia.

What many are forgetting is IP logs. You can route through 70 IPs around the globe, they can find you. It will take 2 weeks, but they will

Who cares man, your ISP already knows the wierd dick girls you fap too, they sell that information and its been like this for years already. Anonimity died a long time ago, the best thing you can do for yourself is probably get a socks5 proxy behind a VPN if you're really that paranoid but man unless youre alkaida or a pedo degenerate you've nothing to worry about.

You will have to carry out 1 malicious intent and destroy your device, this is only true using a public hotspot with no survalence cameras

Sup Forums is not anyonymous unless you use external programs.

but most of us dont give a shit since we are not involved in really "hard" things


Not that one, I don't have it enabled.

Nobody ever said Sup Forums was user, it just lets you post messages to others under that name.
Plebit is equally as user as Sup Forums the only added difference is you can't be recognized by you handle.
However I would use the exact same harvesting technique to find out your name, address, telephone number and your mothers maiden name on both sites.

Just something for the millennial edge lords to think about.....

You will NEVER be anonymous regardless of what you do using your personal everyday device. We use burners with redhat linux via metapackages

And throw them the fuck away after

FYI You enable it every time you post.

95% come on Sup Forums for amateur nudes of others wife/gf/ex-gf/ex-wife.


Anonymity here is for ease of use, not for user privacy.

That's like the fucking plebs who CLEAN INSTALL backtrack or tails XD XD XD


Ts Esmee

Fedora tipped


You are right, but hardly any millenial dickhead ever considers that.

I'm not doing any shit online, but still. I do care.
You do all kinds of shit online nowadays. You look up doctors in your vicinity, that's already a lot of info you can derive from that. date, time, type of doctor, ...
I don't get how people don't care about that.

I somehow needed to enable it, or else I couldn't get to Captcha. Using uMatrix now, it's much better, much more options.

>anything beyond that is paranoia.

I don't wan't them to be running news reports about my femdom foot fetish whilst I'm on the run from the law.
Been paranoid is paramount.

Learn something buddy

So yeah, as soon as you become someone, all that shit is going to surface.

Fashion is dead. It's all a screaming colorful blur now.

Times Google leaked someone's shit to the public: 0

Times bored anons or malicious users on another site you use leaking someone's DOX for teh lulz: Too many to count

Know your enemy.

But there are two kinds of people that don't look ridiculous in a Trilby: Jazz musicians and East London Gangsters.

shhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're gonna fuck up the illusion dumbass!!

No, jazz musicians and gangsters wear fedoras. Nice try though

>implying that Google would leak information that it constantly sells data.

Fuck you, If I wanted to learn about hats I'd..... Probably kill myself.

I have dynamic IP, and it feels like half the times I try to post I find out I've been banned for posting CP. It seems alot of people like it young.

Always an option

isn't dynamic IP just as silly as a free VPN?
I seriously need to improve my knowledge. I'm not an IT person.

Master troll detected

Am I doing it right?

Yall motherfuckers need to invest in a Cisco course. Or if you're smart, Google is your friend


Post and we'll know



Oh shit




Posting 18 year old girls trying to look cool, OK man

Not that hard to hide in the open as a troll. The nail that sticks out is the nail that gets hammered.

I provide browse on my Firefox. Google can't track a thing

I actually like the skin tone.

you're saying i'm a troll? why?

You can do better

>The nail that sticks out is the nail that gets hammered.
I like that saying.
I use the user tools too, but I'm a big beliver in what you just said.
I actually annoys me when people invest too much effort in hideing. Like when making a J and they go park down a dark ally.
If I was a cop, the man parked down a dark ally would be the 1st guy I'd like to speak to.

I'm surprised that you can type.

Im surprised you understand the definition of type

The boss passed comment on the apperance of the staff at a certain branch.
Me and anouther user decided it would be a good idea to both wear ties.
Still in 2 minds weather to cont.
On one hand fuck him and fuck the rules.
on the the other hand
>The nail that sticks out is the nail that gets hammered.
And I get hammered alot.

I was going to kindergarten
>be me, 5yrold shitstain male
>all the boys had massive dongers
>my shlongers was undeveloped
>this big lipped dork approaches me during lunchbreak
>grabs my crotch from behind
>tells me "your dick is as thin as a nail, user! you now be called nailkid!"
>showering after math class
>we all smell armpits fomps
>I drop my soap like a diggety dope
>the big guy sees it and turns around
>everyone else watches him walk towards me
>four bullies follow
>i'm surrounded
>big dork says
The nail that sticks out is the nail that gets hammered.
>they fuck my virgin ass with their pencil dicks
>nobody can cum, because kids
>shove skittles up my bunghole

got bamboozled again!

Just get Google's very own opt-out extension.

Read this