Let's talk death, Sup Forums

Let's talk death, Sup Forums.
>how do you think you're gonna die?
>do you want to die?
>are you afraid of dying?
>have you experienced the death of someone close to you lately?

lost my grandmother a few weeks ago to stoke and alzheimer's.

i didn't see her die but i saw her an hour before she dies.

put a bullet between my eyes if i ever get alzheimer's. she looked that bad.


Yes and no

Yes and no


I hope that i die in my sleep.
If i want to die right now? No.Do i want to die eventually? Yes.
Yes, my grandfather died in a terrible work accident.

I swear to god I met the grim reaper one night- don't remember much except for we were driving down to Daytona Beach and he started crying and telling me how he is the grim reaper- we went to some lady's house who was dying and walked in and he walked right up to her and wished her goodbye- didn't see her die yet but she closed her eyes- and I asked him if I was going to die that night and he said no (I had been real sick in the hospital). Weird story I know but really I have no reason to make it up

>how do you think you're gonna die
before i thought it would be by my own hand. asphyxiation or perhaps sleeping pill overdose or something like that
now i imagine it'll be something really stupid like a car accident or an infection that doesn't get treated right away and turns out to be super serious

>do you want to die
i used to want to die, and i used to not be afraid of death. but since then i've developed two really good friends and i no longer want to die and im afraid of dying because of how it would affect them.

>have you experienced the death of someone close to you lately?
i believed someone i cared about deeply had killed themselves. they disappeared for a few days. i read the obituaries for the town they lived in every day until they messaged me back. in a sense, this experience and a few others before it brought me close to the concept of death. i hate that i had become mentally prepared for the death of my closest friend.

>bullet to the head in 25-30 years
>absofuckinglutely, ASAP

Ive had a reoccurring dream of falling asleep while driving on the highway. I can see the crash coming but can move to stop it. It always scares me awake. I think it might be foreshadowing.

>25-30 years

Crazy accident, health problems, or an hero.

> Gonna die of old age or Jesus is gonna take me and i'll be fortunate enough not to experience death

>nah life is good Sup Forumsro, own a company single, make 7k a month for myself alllll good thankfully

>i don't fear death i just don't want to die

>yes, grandparents, my little dog, cousins, friends it's sad but everyone dies int he end, my grandpa said the only ones who never die are those who were never born.

I'm suicidal but I don't wanna be a dick; I know I'm more useful to the economy alive, so I'll wait until I'm old enough to start being a burden and off myself. Least I can do is continue working and supporting the "me generation" until they die off.

no1 here experienced death. If they did, they wouldnt be writing. If they were resuscitated, they werent dead
in other news - i despise faggots, who cant handle some1 might want to live forever. I had this teacher (obviously a fuckin delusional, religious fuck), with whom a lecture got me somehow mentioning living forever is better than ying. An he goes "U WANNA BE LIKE GOD?! BUT ONLY GOD CAN! (u cant - god didnt let u).
Or when some1 gives u this false dychotomy - u wanna live short, but interesting life, or long and boring? I wanna live long and interesting life and ive got the FUCKIN AGENCY TO MAKE MY LIFE FUN. R u sayin ud rather throw a party tomorrow an then immediately blow your head off to avoid not having such a great party ever again? Thats fuckin pathetic

>Hopefully by old age surrounded by my offspring and their offspring on a nice warm summer day.
>I know my time is coming, just wondering what's waiting on the other side.
>My wife passed about 2 years ago. Was married 17 years. But everyone knew it was coming so we prepared.

i bet you giggled really hard while you typed this

Probably O/D once I hit 60 or so. By that point I'll have had a good run. I don't want to deal with the mess that is getting old.
I'm a bit apathetic about it. I like living, but I'm not against dying.
Not at all. It's pointless to be afraid, the void consumes all.
No, everyone is still alive and kicking in my life atm.

i got kinda angry

>>how do you think you're gonna die?
Probably by a gruesome accident since I don't pay attention to things while walking
>>do you want to die?
I need to, just like everyone else, eventually
>>are you afraid of dying?
Nope but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be peeing my pants with a gun pointed at my head
>>have you experienced the death of someone close to you lately?
Not really

Hopefully spontaneous combustion at age 100.

Some painfull way i think
No, but in past i often experienced that feeling when someone you know dies. 5 times.

I want someone to murder me

That would be sick

I'll probably die of a car crash or some other unforeseen accident. That or suicide.
Right now, I find death to be desirable. From the looks of it, death appears to be never-ending sleep with no dream, which doesn't sound bad at all. Unfortunately, instincts that are billions of years old keep me from taking my own life, and I have people that I still care about.
I dread the actual moment of death, just because there will be so much fear, pain, and suffering when it comes. But being dead won't be so bad.
Many people have died in my family: my mother, my grandmother, numerous distant aunts, uncles, and great-grandparents, a couple of dogs.

>a couple of dogs.

Life is meaningless...what's the point on living?

reply and I will help.

I will die as those of the church of Philidelphi are prophesied to die. Ten days after the Anti Christ arrives here on Earth.

Perhaps of old age, or car accident
My life has to come to an end at some point
I don't know if anything happens after death but I'm interested in finding out.