Said the rabbit

said the rabbit.

Elaborated the lemming



spaketh the pelican

Claimed the chinquilla

Demanded the trash.

announced the Army Ant

Asserted the cube

shouted the Dragon

Berated the locust

insisted the Horse.

Commanded the aardvark

Wut is going on here?


proclaimed the cactus.

Whispered the dove

mumbled the giraffe.

Clamored the bass

Declared the Clothes Iron

Berated the toaster

howled the antelope

Is this supposed to be funny?

roared the Gas Pump.

Screeched the fruit bat

Spat the Chopped Liver.

Uttered the salsa.

Denied the wine

sang the alligator.

Reiterated the tortoise

lamented the Soap.

Croaked the bowl

Prattled the grill

explained the scissors

blurted the tape

Muttered the spoon

whined the salt shaker.

Roared the faggot


Screeched the autist