Alright Sup Forums I'm officially sick of niggers. Hate to say it but it's true. Can deal with Indians, Asians...

Alright Sup Forums I'm officially sick of niggers. Hate to say it but it's true. Can deal with Indians, Asians, but I'm now officially done with those filth.

Also, general monkey story thread. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

Other urls found in this thread:


you should be ashamed for not realizing this sooner faggot

True. I'm slowly swallowing the redpill.

For a bunch of former slaved you'd think they'd be alright with working.

Out of all niggers, Nigerians are the fucking worst.

how are they the worst

I'm from Nigeria so fuck you and your whole family,

Yeah, I can see that, but where I'm at it's rare to see one of them. I usually get the garden variety niggers here.

hello fellow nigerian

Nigger here. Tell me why you hate us. And first of all: Believe me or not, but many black people can't stand these monkeys who do riots or are involved in crime.

Point made by the only nigger on this thread.

Not only are they lazy, they expect to be treated like royalty. They always demanded discounts or free shit. They're the type of ppl who will cancel your printer in the copy room just so they can cut in line.

I know this is basic niggerdry but they are like the niggers of being niggers.

I'm actually white but born in Nigeria. The people actually are not that bad. Just different than Westerners

I get that most normal blacks can't stand the monkey crap, but when there's a good chunk of them that do this bullshit it's pretty reflective of a whole group, and they do the stupidest shit crimes ever.

ITT: RED PILL CONSUMPTION vs faggots whining about political correctness

Fuck you Nigerian bitch go get malaria

When I worked shit jobs in food, if a white woman had a problem with something, they were firm but somewhat diplomatic in getting it resolved. Black people just don't stop bitching and moaning and acting like a bunch of retarded baboons and being loud and annoying.

by your logic its reflective for Whites to kill people too because:
-Germans akilling Jews
-Ameritards killing Indians

Can't, he's dying of sickle cell anemia. Fucking regressive genetics having fucks.

It feels great. Euphoria has set in.

I can tell this is bait because the top image is a parody protest. If using memes as arguments wasn't enough.


They are too dumb to write signs, so they use the primate behaviour.


Right, the useful kind of killing that brings a nation out of poverty (like Germany pre WW2) or builds the greatest nation in the world through righteous conquest pussies are ashamed of because they lack courage.

Niggers murder each other like ignorant pieces of shit and are the most likely to be the person to have killed a nigger is another nigger. That's just statistics you can look up.


Nigger nigger, bo bigger, me my moe migger, NIGGER!!

>"I hate black people"
>Posts the reason why blacks are thriving and whites are being cucked to extinction
What you really hate is your own cowardice.

Keep telling yourself that... lol. Most white people, Mexicans and Asians all feel the same way about blacks. I'm not talking about the dumbfuck Liberals you see in the media. Most normal people see blacks as fucking primates.

No, that's how black people celebrate a NBA Finals win. And that's their own neighborhood and cars they're trashing.

the only time a nigger payed for dinner was when Obama supported food stamps

>useful kind of killing
You sound like you have never experienced any kind of violence other that just in games. There is no such thing as a useful kill. You propably never lost someone due to war.
>greatest nation in the world
Is it that what you are told at school? Your level of common education sucks dick in comparison to the rest of the world. (there are enough statistics that can prove what I say here, just look them up); Oh yeah, one example is voting a president with no experience in political and international affairs just because of muh American Dream, muh he's rich so he knows what to do etc.

I don't even know why I waste my time on rednecks like you. Please be a troll

Go die of mass shootings/obesity/your stupid president bringing war to your country/depression

And you sound like a giant piece of retarded shit saying there is no useful killing, you clearly have never seen how a war functions. Boots go on the ground for a reason retard. Way to go for not being able to hold your tongue about Trump though, I must have forgot how cool it was to hate him.

No Somalians are the most disgusting dirty rude people on earth.

You guys are comparing one monkey to another, they're all shitty beings that need to become extinct.

Same here all you can do is smile and hope for death.

Yeah, and I forgot that voting for Trump means, that you are smarter because you like alternative politics.
And don't talk shit about how war functions, bevause I can literally see that you have never been in a war or have even talked to someone who has.

I like your assumption that i voted for trump-
>Voted bernie for the lols m8
Please tell my family and all 5 members in the military how we have no clue what war is like. Wait no, you will keep being a keyboard warrior with a holier than thou attitude and probably stutter when someone raises their voice at you.

>Entitled trust-fund kids prevent working man from doing job
Post-modernism is cancer

> still thinking Trump will make America great again after him fucking up every single political event.
Even the people who work for him in the white house say that he is constantly asking how certain political mechanisms work ( f.e. why courts can block his orders). But hey, at least he tried.

>all 5 members in the military
try harder. And even if it's true this proves that your "family members" have never seen war because the ones who did would never tell you that it's necessary or describe it with that sense of pride like you do. One tip: go to some of the veterans meetings if you can. It will open your eyes on how war works and the people there really know what they talk about. Most of them said that they regret defending someones economic interests ina nother country and risking their lifes whil he/she sits at home making money.
And even if you voted for Bernie that doesn't mean that you still can't be a massive peace of shit.
Now go on, at least I can ammuse myself

Could you two get any more keyboard warrior? Is one of you going to navyseal next?

I certainly won't. But you are free to join our little conversation.

Niggers don't protest, they riot.

Sadly the other one won't answer. I'm sure he's asking his family members for arguments right now.

Does anyone else get distracted by the porn ads on here or is that just me?

Mad because he hasn't successfully scammed anyone yet.

>not having adblock

I don't mind, just means more entertainment added to the show.

I need sauce for some of them
