The greatest show ever is being rebooted with some lame fat unfunny hipster named "Heston"

The greatest show ever is being rebooted with some lame fat unfunny hipster named "Heston"

are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Is Joel trolling everyone?

Other urls found in this thread:

Your a fucking fag if you think it would be funny.

That faggot looks like he molests children in his spare time. My childhood has been ruined by fucking SJWs.

been watching mst3k since the 90's.
the new batch is fine.
did you even give it a chance?
sure it will take a bit to get use to,
but it's still the same mst experience.
it's better than no new episodes isn't it?
you ungrateful ass

No it's not. It's a great show that had a good run and is now been dug up and having its rotten corpse violated by the PC crew so brain dead hipsters like you can pretentiously talk about 'nostalgia' when in fact you were in diapers when the show originally aired.

Ok. Just for reference, what is new and good according to you? I'd love to see what's in your zeitgeist. Anything you can recommend?

Been a huge fan for years. Actually watched the first episode of the reboot last night. Disappointed. 1/10 of the solid references and heck, even 1/10 of the commentary. Soooo much of it was just the actual, uninterrupted movie. And the contributions were mostly them making sound effects and saying sarcastic crap. I'll watch a few more, but so far so bad.

the original creator is still writing for the show.
ya ok, just cuz my feelings didn't get hurt there's some new actors in a show i liked

I love those videos your mom makes of her fucking the neighbor's dog.

Ah ok. So this is just Sup Forums trash.

To anybody reading this the new mst is fine.

lady dynamite with Maria Bamford is pretty funny.

No it's not. It's worse. For sure.

really? if anything i thought they may have overdone it with commenting through a lot of the 1st episode.
oh well, i guess i should be glad that it's not a disappointment to me (so far)

I'm not a fucking Sup Forumsack. I just don't pull my punches because you're a special snowflake.

he's really more of a cuck, don't you think? or a shill

I'm watching it now, I'm about 20 minutes in to the first one.
The voice actors for the robots are wrong, that's my biggest annoyance so far. They don't even sound like the old voices.

Can't really say. We need to hear his views on freedom of speech first.

Jesus Christ, Oswald....
Really fell apart after his wife, huh.

I smoked a bowl for the first time in 3 months last night and settled in to watch the first episode. Less than 20 mins in I switched over to watch Futurama.

Felicia Day gives me wood and I like Patton's standup, but I was stoned and couldn't get through this shit.

Aaand they've turned it into a musical....
I don't think I'll be watching any other episodes of this drivel.

Felica dey needs to just stop

I agree with this guy. Im cynical as shit and was thinking this looked like garbage but I put on the first one and there were some pretty funny lines and deffinately had the feel of the original. reminded me more of Joel stuff than Mike but im more a Joel fan anyway.

All this "special snowflake" shit going around, it seems like the ones using that term are the ones who are the most triggered.

Back to your containment board/safe space.

show seems pretty garbage to me, sure you arent retarded?

This is what happens when you crowd source basement dwellers dreams.
Hollywood would never allow this shit.

This is my safe space. I've been shitposting here since you were learning how to ride a Big Wheel.

Big Wheels lost their popularity in the 80s. So 90s and above children rarely had big wheels. Chances are he doesn't get your insult so may wanna post a picture next time. Just so ya know.

Fuck, I'm getting old. What scares me is that fucknut probably votes.

I only saw the first one so far but I'm hopeful. The outside of the movie stuff was great, better than the original outside the movie stuff IMO, but the in movie jokes were too rushed and poorly timed. It needs to feel more like 3 friends relaxing and shit-talking a movie, not a jokes per minute record setting attempt.

I ain't gonna judge based off their first episode though.

Never even heard of the original until this morning. Literally watched the firsdt episode on Netflix today and it was so-so. I wasn't laughing, but it did seem to make a terrible old movie slightly amusing at times.

Was the original any better? Is it worth watching?

I love that Felicia Day tried to say a study says "Intelligent people like shitty movies". So to her it justifies her liking old crappy movies. Which isn't what the study said at all and goes on to prove she's a fucking pandering whore.

Some of the original was so-so like the first episode of the new season, but most of the old stuff was way better.

Watch Space Mutiny, Pumaman and Merlin's Workshop in that order for a glimpse of how amazing this show has the potential to be.

You're retarded she was making a sarcastic joke.

Felicia Day gained popularity in pop culture and now has to keep being hipster and edgy just to stay relevant. She's an annoying cunt and her lips are pointy.

>want to give random title a chance and experience something new and potentially funny
>it's on Sup Forums and likely the worst thing an user could think of in a an effort to troll
Fuck those political memes, I need a two button meme for real life.


As soon as I saw Felicia Day was in it I decided to give it a miss. I hate that woman.

Have you watched it? Because it's fucking great. Aside from the nostalgia factor of the original series, this one is just as good.

But fags like you are going to hate on it before you even watch it, and then if you do watch it you're going into it with your mind made up that it sucks, so you obviously aren't going to like it even though it's fucking hilarious.

You do realize Joel wrote it, right? So the jokes are going to be pretty much the same as always. Just slightly different people saying them.

No she wasn't. Go read the article.

Felicia Day: Bad movies are my favorite. I love bad movies. I actually read a study the other day that smarter people like bad movies and I felt really vindicated. Because I’d much rather watch a cheesy kung fu film from the ‘70s than any Oscar-winning film ever.

Did they reboot Red Dwarf?

>That faggot looks like he molests children in his spare time.

Son, are you not aware of where you are and what reputation we have?

Shit my bad, I thought you were talking about a joke she made on the show not something she said in an interview.

Here's the study.

It doesn't prove that intelligent people prefer trash movies. It disproves that only uneducated people like them. And in typical media fashion it was twisted to say that trash movies are preferred by intelligent people. Which is not the case if you read the study.

I don't think you retards know what hipster, SJW, or PC mean, because MST3K has nothing to do with any of that shit. In no way is the reboot hipster or PC or "SJW bullshit", where the fuck would you even get that? And it's not like it was ever some edgelord show pushing the envelope of offensiveness or some shit. It's always been simply, kid-friendly fun. You're all a bunch of dumbasses who apparently have brain damage from drinking 3 cases of mountain dew every day while you compulsively jerk it to anime in your mom's basement

well said, user

>I don't think you retards know what hipster, SJW, or PC mean

It's the latest topical maymay word, and a lot of people use it regardless if they actually know what the words means.



felicia day is a femnazie cunt, patton oswald is an anti trump cuck. fuck this shwo

The guilt from killing her is destroying him

Yea it's pretty trash. They got some elements right but fucked up everything else. They try to explain to much despite the theme song telling us not to look for explanations, everything is over produced to shit to cater to cosplay/nerd product culture, jonah doesn't sing the theme song because he's a faggot, the bots look like the Jeff Dunham B team, the nerdist empire fags jerk off to it now, the show is now another thing that people like no matter how good or bad it is because it makes them feel like a nerd like Dr Who.

What can you do though, we still have the classics.

>anti trump cuck
Or, what's more commonly known as "someone who isn't retarded".

>user calls out butthurt retards
>try to flip it around by implying user is butthurt

wew never seen that tactic before

Because the people involved. Like says.

The name she gave her kid makes her seem pretty retarded to me....

GoGaia is better suited for your type. Sorry Bernie didn't win tho.

I'll never forget the shit she tried to pull. She was trying to create a circle jerk of feminist followers and it she came to realize she wasn't as popular as she thought.

Joel was trash. Rifftrax is what you need to be watching.

are you literally brain damaged? about 99% of hollywood are liberal trump hating feminazis, yet you don't bitch about that when you're blowing your load at every marvel movie. you realize joss whedon made that celebrity anti-trump pro-hillary video this past election? where the famous people were all telling us peasants who to vote fore because we're too retarded to think for ourselves? Yeah, the guy who made the avengers movie made that video.

Everybody who makes your precious movies and television programs is most likely a liberal sjw cuck feminazi, but it only matters to you when you feel like caring

Lel at everyone trying to hard to defend it.

Listen, they brought in a bunch of b listers who have nerd credibility instead of picking people for talent. Kevin Murphy was the backbone of the show and if his humor isn't front and center (pretty sure he's involved but not as much obviously) the show loses it's feel. All the voices in the theater sound the same, and they tried to get waaaaaaay too cute with everything. It's cringe, but if people like it fine. It for sure will never be revered like the original runs even if nerds jerk to it because nerdist tell them to.

>grown adults complaining about the quality of a show/movie meant for young children

Mah nigguh

Oh Joss Whedon is a faggot too. Don't just assume people like that shit it's for fucking kids haha

Is it really inconceivable to you that everyone who hates Trump isn't a liberal? It's not possible for moderates and independents to hate him too?

Oh, wait, look who I'm talking to. You have a hard time comprehending anything outside of you mental safe-space.

Trump has broken campaign promise after campaign promise, is adding to the swamp, and you guys keep faithfully chugging his cock while failing to see the irony when you call other people cucks.

I wouldn't go so far as to say he was trash since he created the show, but I agree 100% that Joel is much less funny and Mike and the guys were wayyyyy better, and RiffTrax is the fuckin bomb

Oh fuck off with this "ruined my childhood" bullshit

fuck yeah team mike all the way

Safe space is a liberal term, so republicans can't get triggered or have a safe space. Also, the average republican is 10x smarter than the average liberal.

Joss Whedon is a pedophile who tries to push inappropriate relationships into everything he touches.

You're an idiot for assuming everyone is like you and enjoys the same re-hashed disney shit. you do not know any of our posting history. you don't know if we've ever complained about any of that before or not. You're just assuming like an uneducated child would.

I for example will not watch or support anything that Johnny Depp is in due to his anti-american rants. Fuck him.

And besides you nitwit Hollywood doesn't cram sjw shit into everything they make. It doesn't matter what the people behind the scenes do. It matters if its on screen. In this case Day & Oswald, two people that some folks do not like and will not support.

24/7 mst3k also Cinematic Titanic and others. A lot of the community here also stream content that 3k fans might be interested in.


I watched the first 2 episodes last night. There's a few minor changes that take some getting used to but if there wasn't, it wouldn't be "new".
I think Jonah does pretty well as the new human, I don't care for the new voices because I grew up on the other guys. But they're all old now so it is what it is. Either way, it doesn't matter what Sup Forums thinks. What matters is its picked up a lot of new fans and all the old misties (for the most part) are totally on board.


This Netflix version is unwatchable. Patton Oswalt is usually much better than this too

>And besides you nitwit Hollywood doesn't cram sjw shit into everything they make.
>It doesn't matter what the people behind the scenes do. It matters if its on screen. In this case Day & Oswald
Then can you tell me where on screen in the new MST3K they are cramming sjw shit?


Wasn't that basically the sentiment when Mike replaced Joel, and even more so when Pearl replaced Dr. Forrester? At least give it a chance before hating it.

You don't seem to understand that users of Sup Forums are overwhelmingly Trump supporters. I was being nice enough to give you the location of a safe space.

What is inconceivable to me is that you believe everyone who supported Trump are retarded. That's a childish mindset which is another reason I directed you to GoGaia. It's more suited to your age/maturity.

>being this self-important
nobody gives a shit about you or your opinions snowflake

Except for the one part where you said everything you said, you're absolutely right.

Can someone defending the new show respond to these?

> the old misties (for the most part)

Eh I have a lot of old school fans from all over and it's either "yea whatever" or "fuck this" or people who like it spending more time defending it than enjoying the show.

I saw three episodes (1, 2, and 8 just to see if it matured well into production) and I thought it was a bunch of unfunny people replicating something they didn't get in the first place.

This was already answered here by someone else.
Either follow the conversation or don't take part in the thread.

>You don't seem to understand that users of Sup Forums are overwhelmingly Trump supporters.

No, Sup Forums retards are Trump supporters, and they bleed out and post on other boards. That does not mean the majority of Sup Forums is Trump supporters. Everywhere else has plenty of Trump haters. The fact that we're having this conversation in the first place proves that right and that you're full of shit.

I'm not a snowflake, you're the snowflake! And a cuck!

Seems legit. You being the sole arbiter and clear bastion of objectively good taste couldn't in ANY way, shape, or form have ANY opinions that ANYONE else might possibly disagree with for ANY reason other than being a special snowflake.

Not everyone posting in this thread is the same person. There are 33 posters here.

>mfw doesn't care but took the time to tell someone no one cares
I got the perfect video for you.
Make sure you at least watch 1:07

wat was this about?

A cuckflake, if you will?
Can we make that the new insult of choice?

ITT: people who only watch shows/movies where the actors have the same political views as you?

>Can someone defending the new show respond to these?

Sure. Those retards are stating complaints that literally would apply to the original series.
>b listers
>tried to get way too cute
>bots look like shit (they literally look exactly the same as they always have)
>nerd this and nerd that blah blah blah too much nerd

It's seriously like you people complaining about it have never even seen the original show. The new one is EXACTLY the fucking same in every way.

God Sup Forums is a bunch of autistic idiots. I'm so done with this shithole.

Yeah the new Berserk anime is shit.
Whoops... wrong disappointing show thread.

I've always hated this shit at Planet Fitness.

I want to grunt and groan god damn it.

So let's make sure you understand this.
You believe because you come somewhere that you're constantly shown to be in the minority.
It means that Sup Forums retards are flooding every where you go.
So everywhere you go has a majority of Sup Forums retards.
Somehow you believe that means the majority isn't for Trump.
The majority just happens to be Sup Forums retards, who are Trump supporters.

buncha pussy faggots, u know they actually serve their guest pizza, wtf

Wasn't defending it. Was just stating an opinion.

And it was always b list people. I respect that its always been the "not so popular" stand up comic to play the part.
And what I meant by misties is the fans that never left the forums and are pretty much the actual backbone and the reason this reboot was possible.
As for the bots, I'd prefer Corbett but to each their own.
I gotta take off, y'all dudes be cool.
>I have to return some video tapes

Uh....that post you quoted has literally nothing to do with my question. Where ON SCREEN are they "cramming sjw shit" in the new MST3K? That was my question, because you (or the guy I replied to is that wasn't you) clearly stated that it only matters when it's on screen. Well everybody is bitching about it in this case, so it must be on screen right? Where is it?

"Actors having any personal opinions I don't agree with is a show cramming SJW shit down my throat."
Didn't you watch Tropic Thunder? NEVER go full retard.

they weren't b listers you idiot, they were improvers from the midwest, they weren't on the list. What do you think a b lister is?

The new bot's don't look like shit, they look perfectly produced articulated puppets, not garage creations like the original

Getting closer and closer to knowing that people who like the new one had no idea why they liked the originals.

MST2000 was the greatest show ever
MST3k was unfunny stupid shit that never should have been recorded - let alone transmitted anywhere.

They should have ended the series when they ended mst2k.

how are you seriously this fucking delusional

get some sun or something. leave the basement and spend some time in the real world, you clearly are losing touch with reality

>constantly shown to be in the minority.