Sup Forums risk thread

Sup Forums risk thread
OPs got all day

to join:
>Name of country
>Starting Location

For added fun, I plan on doing random events.
lets get this going anons

>Army of Tai Lopez (ATL)
> Brown


The greater German Reich

not a hoax

cmon fags lets get some more players

Greater German Reich
Expanding west and south
Rollin for dubs

Push right into Tunisia
dub duBS DUBS

Name: Turkey
Color: Green
Starting location: Turkey.

ATL moves east with a roll of 10
GGR moves southeast with a roll of 1
Turkey joins the game

Greater german Reich
Expand more into Germany



>Tai Lopez Army reporting
move into Tunisia further
watch my TedX talk

Turkey what direction are you moving


Turkey moves south with a roll of 3
GGR expands equally with a roll of 3
ATL moves east with a roll of 7

Please include your country, and expansion direction in one contained post

top of russia
Stalingrad Express

Greater German reich
Rollin into southern germany

Army of Tai Lopez here
move east

>Army of Spain

Turkey rolling for west.

Orange has been taken, choose a new color

Stalingrad Express moving down

Army of the nazi german soldiers

>any color
>Bubonic niggers

> light green

Light green
Russian area

Unfortunately, there is no rainbow color.

Stalingrad Express joined the game
GGR moved into southern Germany with a roll of 4
Turkey moved west with a roll of 10
ATL moved east with a roll of 8
Army of Spain joined the game (assigned to color yellow)
Army of Nazi German Soldiers joined the game
Stalingrad Express moves south with a roll of 5
Bubonic Niggers joined the game
Nordcuckland joined the game
Kekistan joined the game

Multiple reminders:
-Alliances are allowed
-Only 1 more player can join
-It will take me longer to create the map due to the amount of players

Greater Germany here
Move into western Germany and Belgium
GGR would like to form an alliance with the nazi soldiers

Damn, Nordcukland is situated in Norway.

Thanks OP, appreciate you doing this
>ATL keeps pushing east
It wasn't too long ago I was sleeping on a couch with 43 Lamborghinis in my bank account

Aliance with Greater German Reich, expand to England

Just fill nearby areas for now
>bubonic niggers

Nazi soldiers that was btw..

Whats your country


nordcuckland now has sweden

Stalingrad Express heading west

last remaining color
Biggest part of Finland

Turkey, going west.


GGR moved west with a roll of 8 and proposed an alliance with AZGS
ATL moves east with a 1
BN expands with a 1
NS moves west and accepts alliance
Cuckland moved into Sweden with a 1 (Sorry for misplacement)
Stalingrad express moves west with an 8
Perkelelia Joins the game (Posted before Bigdickbitch state, first come first serve)
Turkey moves west
Kekistan surrenders their move
Army of Spain surrenders their move

(#) next to names refer to the team/alliance they have joined
If kekistan/army of spain do not move for 3 turns they will surrender their positions and colors.

Nazi Soldiers
Advance up and past London

ATL here
push east
Warren Buffet is a good friend of mine

Turkey, move towards caspian sea

Nordcuckland, move to Scotland.

Stalingrad Express moving southwest

Greater Germany here
Take over Czech Republic

Talk land around yellow
>bubonic niggers

the blitzkrieg begins

Perkelelia ended up in Sweden. Ok. Then move over Baltic and conquere Finland this time, ok? It's right there on the right.

btw nice 69, enjoy that 16 territory gain

Spain, attack Bubonic Niggers

thread is kill?

OP is working give him a minute

I know OP is working on the image, I was just concerned that nobody else was posting.

NS Moves north with a roll of 7
ATL moves east with a roll of 10
Turkey moves north with a roll of 3
Northcuckland moves into Scotland witha roll of 3
Stalingrad Express moves southwest with dubs
GGR moves southeast with a blitzkrieg 69
BN takes land around Army of Spain with a 7
Perkelelia moves east with a 5
Army of Spain's attack fails with a 6 vs 7

If Perkelelia wants to keep acting like a bitch theyre going to be treated like a bitch.

2 more turns for Kekistan

Spain attack BN gain

Finish off yellow, I was gonna just go around them but we niggers are not peaceful people
>bubonic niggers

move east
>You must have enough fuel units

Greater German Reich
Move into Austria

Allies: army of nazi German soldiers

Neutral: everyone else

Nordcuckland, push west, move to Ireland.

sweet. Stalingrad Express heads to ukraine

Nazi Soldiers
North of France

Turkey here, ok then just fill out the balkans instead.

Kekistan expands south

The Army of Spain's attack wins against BN with a 3v2
ATL moves east with a 2
GGR moves south with a 7
Nordcuckland moves west with a 2
Stalingrad Express moves southwest with a 1
NS moves moves west with a 3
Turkey moves towards the Caspian (Mistake mad last turn) and moves west with a 5
Kekistan moves south with a 4

I will try to fix the issues as best I can, There's a lot of people here, mistakes are going to happen. Quit bitching.

Continue to attack Army of Spain
>Bubonic niggers

Nazi Soldiers
Take south-east england and wales

The Army of Tai Lopez watches the battle over of Spain with interest. He may or may not fap to that later tonight
Move east

Bubonic nigger claim

Nordcukland, conquer Ireland and move to Wales.

Stalingrad Express continuing to head to the black sea

Notdcuckland move to Denmark

Turkey still moving towards the caspian


Nordcuckland, you have already moved.

Greater German Reich
Move into Poland

Allies: nazi German soldiers

At peace: everyone else

Oh... Yeah I see now. My bad, bruh

NS moves east with a 4 but was cucked by cuckland with a 10
ATL moves east with a 69 (lambos)
Stalingrad express moves south with a 10
Turkey moves north with a 2
GGR moves west with a 2
BN attacks Army of Spain who surrendered their turn (3v(null))
Kekistan surrendered their turn

Perkelelia has 2 turns before they surrender their position and color.
Kekistan has 3

Turkey, move south

Spain also has 3 turns before they surrender their postion and color


Greater German reich
Move south
Rollin for dubs or trips

Allies: nazi German soldiers

Neutral: everyone else

Nordcuckland, push south, welcome more refugees and build new mosques.

fill in saudi arabia and middle east

Stalingrad Express is taking the crimea

Tai Lopez and his Grand Army of Monkey Niggers offer an alliance to the Turkish people

Attack NS or move towards Perkielela?

turkey here, i accept offer.

Nazi Soldiers
Push on to northcuckland. I want Wales.

Move towards Perkielela.
Nordcuckland official ambassador

Turkey moved south with a 7
GGR moved south with a 6, dubs not get
ATL moves east with a 5, and proposes alliance with the BN and Turkey
Stalingrad Express moves south with a 10
Turkey Accepts ATL's Offer
NS attacks Nordcuckland but again is cucked with a 5v6
Nordcuckland moves onto perk with a 6

BN have 3 turns before surrendering
Kekistan and Army of Spain has 2 turns before surrendering
Perkwhatever has 1 turn before surrendering

NS here
Try again, I want Wales

ATL keeps filling in middle east

Keep attacking BN

Greater German Reich
Invade perkillia
Try to get dubs

Allies:nazi German soldiers

At war: perkiellia

Neutral: everyone else

Stalingrad Express takes upper half of kekistan's territory

Nordcuckland, stand for Wales, capture Great Britain.

Why does kekistan have a 2 turn time limit?