ITT - What Is better for GAMING Pc or Console

ITT - What Is better for GAMING Pc or Console.

Console obviously. If the price range is the same. Pc's are too much work when it comes to keeping it up to date

PC if you've got a good one and know what you're doing.
Console if you're a casual.

fuck off to Sup Forums

I own a shitty laptop and can play about 50% of my steam library just fine, you just obviously can't run games on ultra

considering the fact that computers are a near necessity in this day and age, it would be better to get a great computer for gaming, work, etc. just all-round, kind of like your phone

For gaming though

This has got to be bait

Fucking idiot

You're the Fucking idiot

Can't do that on a console anyway

Did you get banned from Sup Forums or something?

Console is the answer, but PC dominates certain genres completely (like strategy) so the only right thing to do is to have both a PS4 and a computer that can run games.

Objectively the PC has a higher potential capability for gaming. If you have money and a little time, you can set a PC up to do any specific type of gaming you want. It's versatile and capable of handling numerous peripherals.

On the other hand, consoles are more self contained. They require no upgrades during their lifetime and they require no programming or setting anything up. For online play, everyone has equivalent hardware, which limits lag, and consoles have dedicated game servers. The overall cost of ownership is generally,lower with a console.

Mobile phone gaming is for people that want to play games while they poop.

fo real nigga? PCs can be build to play the most intense shit in 4k at 60fps. plus it can do more than just play games and is generally the shit when it comes to mods and messing with files

* xbox

Price doesn't matter if your a gamer, my case and cooling cost more than a fucking console.

KYS poorfag

post pc or ur lying

gr8 b8 m8

I like consoles better. I know a lot of PC elitists say "well you need a PC anyway, so why not just use it for gaming?"

Simple. Exclusives. I would much rather play multiplatform games in a shitter state, while knowing I can also play Death Stranding, Persona 5, Horizon, Nioh, The Last of Us, God of War, Kingdom Hearts etc. Plus it's cheaper, Plus I know I don't have to rely on an internet connection to play them.

I barely need a PC for anything other than web browsing. I could do everything I need to do on a Chromebook ffs.

Did you leave Bloodborne off of that list deliberately, or was that just a horrible but unintentional oversight?

Depends really. I have both and use them for different games. I don't think one is inherently better than the other as a whole.

It wasn't deliberate, but it was one of many oversights. I just posted what popped into my head at the time. Too many great exclusives to list here.

One wonders why you would even bother to post this total non-answer at all, really.

10-4, carry on nigga.

PC gamers are way too into video games. Seems like they have a lot of time on they're hands.

this is good advice. Sad that nobody acknowledged it.

Because being on the fence is my answer, dick weed. My answer is there is no answer to the stupid question, it's all subjective/preference.

I find it to be the opposite actually. I feel like console gamers are more about the actual games, while PC gamers care about about the hardware. They're more concerned with temps, frames, speeds, clocks, hertz,rez etc than they are about actually having fun. It's like they use games as a tool to benchmark their computer rather than use their computer to play games.

I like both. Like when I'm watching a baseball game I'll watch it on TV and play on my pc. Or I'll play console and lurk b or listen to music on my pc while I play.

The Gaming PC I built in 2012 finally needed a graphics card upgrade to play the latest games.

Took me probably an entire 10 minutes to remove the old card, install the new one, and then update the drivers to the current version. Spending 10 minutes working on my PC every 5 years is pretty overwhelming. You are right. I'm getting a console next time.

You can say this about a console gamer too.

This. I live alone in a 1br condo so I have my 60" TV in the middle and my computer desk is off to the side so I can easily use both at once. Feels good man.

PC is vastly superior imo but I like consoles because they're fun.

Hmm you make a good point

Yess. Same setup here. I like it.

Then why not have all three?

PS4, Xbox, PC

>Fuck the Wii and that new shit console Nintendo dropped

Routine maintenance like that is easy but the initial build isn't. My liquid cool setup took me hours because if case mods I had to do.
At some point you need a new processor and you will probably need a new mobo and memory then too... That won't be as quick.

There's literally no reason why I would need an Xbone. I don't play dudebro Halo shit.

PC is better for specs but I prefer console for games. I like to be able to game in the living room instead of hiding in the office

This is actually true. I can't count how many times I've seen PC gamers outright refuse to play a game that's locked at 30fps. Like what the hell is wrong with 30fps?

The specifics of your home layout don't have anything to do with which is better.

Right now? I'd say console emulation on raspberry pi!

I may just be an old gag, but most of the current video game market (with some notable exceptions) is filled with vapid developers so far up their own assholes they can only see the back side of their own intestines, or greedy corporations incapable of producing a game not capitalizing on candy crush or angry birds!

Now that's not to say I don't play PC or console markets. I have a PS4 and I built a steambox and frankly I don't see an advantage of one over the other at the moment... Most "console games" are available on PC and vise versa, most multi platform games today have little to no distinguishable difference between each "port". So meh!

Raspberry pi!

I'm really happy to see someone else posting this. I literally can't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps. They both move faster than my eyes can process the incoming data. I have wondered before if something was wrong with me.

PC wins - no contest. Noobsticks are for wannabes.

The only type of game I hate at 30 fps is a first person shooter. But I don't play those very much.

This. I have a ps4 and pc for the exclusives, xbox exclusives are pretty shit.

Isn't xbone play anywhere now? So I can play their games on my pc right?

Since when do they require work to update? It does all the work itself, and it does it better and faster than console.

If you have no friends and like simulator games
if you have no friends and like dudebro fps games
>console (console multiplayer fps isnt infested with 99% of the players using aimbots and wallhacks)
if you have friends
>pick w/e you and you're friends would like to play the most.


>Live in Washington
>Friends with a guy that works at Microsoft
>Get employee discounted Xbox

I also like the controller layout more on the Xbox, the duality of playing Forza and Gran Turismo, especially because they never come out on competing years. Every once in a while nostalgia my way through the Halo story mode or Gears of War story, and the Xbox just plays movies while I PC game mostly.

Oh I can definitely notice it. I wasn't trying to point out that it's unnoticable, just irrelevant. I actually get dizzy from playing on 60fps. It's like I'm paying more for a less gratifying eexperience. If I can play games on a PC at ultra settings at 1080p, at 30fps I'm sailing. I wouldn't want more than that. Unlike most PC gamers, I don't see any gratification is spending needless amounts of money for off the chartz graffix. They also get angry when consoles dumb down games after they spent $1500 on their PC. Like, bitch, no one made you spend that much on a computer. You know the market is centered around consoles because they are the developers guaranteed bacon. If you don't like wasting money on cards that developers refuse to tap into, then don't buy $500+ cards. Get a humble 1050ti and be happy to even play games at all.

Console for family, PC for yourself

Ayy, Seattlefag here as well.

I guess if you like the controller better and you can get employee discounts, then you have reasons to play Xbone that don't apply to me. One of my best friends is a PM at Microsoft but I've never asked her for anything like this. As for the controller I'm on the PS side of that one.

Let me know how 4k gaming at max settings over 60fps is going on console. Oh wait...

I dont really understand it either. I only have a PC and i can tell the difference between 30 and 60, but ive never been one to not play a game if its locked at 30. As long as controls are resposive and its fun its worth a play. I just updated my pc not too long ago because it struggled on some things but i never cared about oh i get 200fps on (instert game). Its just a bunch of penis swinging that no one cares about from elietest.

Except it does.
>ps4 pro at 60 fps
>Project scorpio fucking reks
Also your eyes cant even keep up with 60 fps. Youre just a slut for specs.

Casual. It's like you don't even understand higher frame rates let you accomplish more things in action games.

Well fuck, maybe something IS wrong with my eyes. Oh well.

Ps4 pro can barely do scaled down graphics at 1080p 60fps. I said 4k res.

And bull shit nigger. You can see the difference between 60 fps and 120fps. But leave it to a console fag to not understand what games can be.

Let me put it to you this way. If I get done, what I need to get done in an action game, what reason is there for a higher fps? What more do I need to accomplish in an action game other than defeat the enemy and collect loot? Honest question. What is a higher frame per second going to do to make my life easier that isn't mitigated by a glaring dizziness?

Everyone look at the angry PCuck who wasted his money.

I have a pc too dingus lol

I'm an Everettfag, this place is a shit hole right now, heroine everywhere.

Look at the poorfag who unironically thinks console are relevant in 2017.

play any good rts games recently?

I've only been up to Everett a few times. That place looks like a depressing shithole tbh. I'm in Greenwood, north of Ballard.

RTS isn't my thing. I'm more of a grand strategy autist.

Once you've built a PC once, you can do it again an infinite number of times. Shit's easy son.

All trolling aside, it's literally depends on what you want out of your gaming experience.

Want quick, affordable, easy game play? Console

Want highly customizable, intricate, best experience money can buy? PC

It's not a hard concept you faggots.

I kinda figured since i needed a decent PC set up for my work that there was no need to blow money on a console.

If i get the urge i just run my game through my TV and set it up to use a console controller.

Its not that i cant afford a console. its that i see it as a waste for me personally. Though i understand that others like it and i dont have a liberal tier meltdown over it.


I don't get why this is an argument PC is better graphics, you can do more with it, more customizable but it costs more and you can't get the games that consoles try to bribe you with

You Poor people that must choose instead of having both make me sick

I work at Boeing and I grew up here, besides having sheds and cars broken in to, nothing ever happens up here. The heroine addicts lost all their steam a couple years ago and now they're just depressed and patheticly begging on the sides of the road.

I might go down to Ballard later tonight, they have some local scotch and beer festival going on.


a midrange pc is also more affordable in the long run since you rally only need to upadate the gpu ever3-5 years and cpu/mobo maybe 10-12 years, also steam sales.

but yeah the console is for people who want shit that works out of the box and easy to deal with when shit does go down.

Mouthbreathers are always quick to scream about how PC is better. I've been enjoying The Last of Us Remastered, which isn't on PC, and GTA Online, which if full of hackers on PC. Not to mention the all the shitty ports of console games PC gets, I'm looking at you Dark Souls 2. I enjoy my console. If you absolutely have to play with unnecessary graphics and need to play your shitty $1 games like Shower with Your Dad Simulator while you neckbeard it up in your mother's basement, go with PC. All of my PC gaming friends are virgins, while my friends with consoles have girlfriends. Not even bait. I'll stick to my casual, cheap systems, while I play with my real life friends. Back to >>>/virgin/.

Money and preference but if I had to say it's the PC

The fact that you're on Sup Forums with your iPhone immediately makes you a normie and not worthy of Sup Forums. Fuck off faggot.

Pc is better but I play on my ps4 so I can play with friends

fake and gay

Sorry, fag. Is that really your only argument?

>tfw someone doesn't realise you were being sarcastic and gets triggered
>tfw their autistic screeching intensifies

This whole thread is a bait, there are casual gamers and ethusiast gamers, casual gamers want to just play games no hassle, no fps and graphics bullshit, plug and play console gaming, enthusiasts want the game to be the very best it can be, graphics wise and see the frames roll forward all smooth like, see the action unfold gloriously. Fuck all of you, i got both and i love both of them

why would he argue against b8?

how is a console more fun than a pc?

this, i use pc exclusively but people need to chill the fuck out

>pc gamer
>tells others to chill out

Be bisex and enjoy both worlds, instead of arguing about this bullshit console vs pc, why don't you faggots stop buying shitty games from shitty developers, the market is fucking shitty with cash grab bullshit that Fanboys buy without a second thought

>get pc
>pirate all the games

Absolutely barbaric.

Honestly? I don't care about neither, just play for fun nowadays, not because brutally amazing graphics or console exclusivity. I just play.
Now go keep being hardcore players... You'll think different in a few years.

protip: You're still browsing Sup Forums so you're not as superior as you think you are.

I never said I was, I just told my opinion.
P.S: You don't need a PC to browse Sup Forums dude.

what's your point?

PC. Unless you take it up the ass.