Walk in streets at night

>walk in streets at night
>see this

wat do?

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Wonder how I got inside a house when I was on the streets.

cook me and her up some ravioli

jesus that's a helluva tampon she must have

see this in your fridge,what do

Give her a bowl of eggs

Wonder why all the furniture outside and why it's so bright.
But mostly question whoever lets such a beautiful girl sleep outside like that.

don't lewd the dragon loli b&

don't lewd the dragon-loli!

steal all her money and buy me food

>take home
>train it to attack

why is a whole living room out on the street?

came here for this

>pick her up
>take her to bed
>tuck her in
>kiss her forehead
>go home

I second this notion

>toss the girl
>free couch

Ravioli ravioli don't fuck the dragon loli

You obviously don't know much about homeless people.


Take it down to the dragon dealership and trade it in for one of those mexican dragons

Why the fuck there's a whole open walls living room in the middle of the streets?

They sleep under bridges and in cardboard boxes?

And sometimes in their cars.

But I wasn't aware that they generally have a whole room layed out with furniture in the street somewhere.

It's an anime, you wouldn't understand

cuz logic

They get pretty fancy.

I did not know that.

I'll have to go slumming sometime and have a lookee.