Favorite Youtubers.
Favorite Youtubers
no they're all fags.
Joerg from the slingshot channel
>gif not quite related
Primative Survival
Alex Jones
Sargon Of Arkad
Prank Invasion
David Seaman
Stefan Molyneux
Leafy, pyrocynical, keemstar, scarce, H3H3, lt. corbis, grade a, vegangains, other good-tubers.
literal cancer, get off of my board you underaged piece of shit
Question, did RT buy out Cow Chop and NOT the Creatures, or did they buy both?
Either a troll or underage
Keep your dick in a vice
Sargon of Akkad is good. Alex Jones is too musch of a conspiracy theorist for me though. I used to watch Louder with Crowder, milo and all those people but they got too annoying and dont make intellectual arguments. I pretty much only listen to Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager now.
>not watching alex jones ironically
Im not following
I think they are just partners under the Lets Play umbrella. Not sure entirely what that means
They bought the creatures before cowchop made their decision public. I assume they signed a contract or something and in order to leave they had to be under RT
Zero punctuation, fucking god-tier
LOL no
>Cow Chop moves to la
>they appear on the shitty game rooster teeth game show On The Spot with funhaus
>it winds up being chaotic and james smashes some shit
Fucking OneyPlays is fire right now. I'm loving these guys since GG are kind of in a tour slump.
I don't watch YouTubers
Cow chop is trash
We're all entitled to our own opinions user, thank you for sharing.
Now go eat shit and die for having such nigger tier taste
James was being a cuck about the mrs doubtfire bit. Even if it was meant to be a joke, which seems unlikely, it wasn't funny.