Would you let Hulk Hogan feed you spaghetti?
Would you let Hulk Hogan feed you spaghetti?
Hella good choice Sup Forumsrother
I don't think I'd have a choice if he decided he wanted to feed me spaghetti.
Yes brother.
Do you think he'd rape you otherwise?
You hate America if you wouldn't
Hell yeah
I wouldn't hate America if they'd actually care about quality.
Is it better than Mom's 'getti?
with a set of 24inch pythons, I fear no man, no beast or evil... now eat my pasketti
Yes, look at the confidence on his face. Even Chef Ramsay would be impressed.
Is that really their height differences?
Idk man, mom's 'ghetti ain't nervous
think so
but on the surface it looks calm and sweaty
In Rocky 3, Thunderlips is announced as "standing nearly seven feet" and "weighing 390 pounds". Hulk Hogan was only 6'6 and at his peak, and weighed 300 pounds... but Sly is only 5' 10'', give or take
Mom's spaghetti is a little stale bro.
Always thought he was a bit taller than that. hmm.
He's kind of ugly. I would rather The Rock feed me spaghetti
I smelled what he's cooking. It ain't spaghetti.
... only if Valentina Nappi is cooking
She looks too much like my friend Wayne.
Only if it's from his pocket.
No Hulk Hogan doesn't have pockets.