in going to have sex for the first time next week.
any tips? im stressing here bros
In going to have sex for the first time next week
if its both ur first time who cares
if it isn't hers just dont say its your first... you'll be fine
Insert vaseline in your anus an hour ahead of time, so it will be warm for him
she already knows.
what do.
since its your first, im going to assume your 15-18
so basically dont put your dick in until like 10-15 min of fingerbanging, eating etc.. youll cum in like 3 min so dont disappoint her
im not having sex next week
ill let you know when i want to have sex
Bring mouthwash to get rid of the taste
Double wrap your dick with condoms so you don't cum in 10 seconds
Want to know a secret? Sex isn't all that great, you're just putting your dick into a moist flesh hole. If you really like the girl then everything will go great because that's what will make the whole experience fun if you like being around this girl. If you're just doing it for the sake of having sex it's probably going to suck and it's not going to be very fun.
Practice kegels
When you get the hang of it, use kegels for every thrust, that's how you hit the g spot.
go get 'em tiger
Eye contact.
Be considerate and ask your mom what position she prefers
im sure im cum immediately.
she keeps texting me saying she cant wait till then. i havent slept in two days
Wear a condor
It doesn't matter even if you do girls don't care just put it back in and continue
Why eye contact?
just don't worry about it. No matter what happens really, so long as you fuck, you won't be a virgin anymore and that will be chill.
This is gross but if you want to cum slower just think of a fat guys poopy asshole or your mom being tortured and that should help. Works for me.
Yeah don't forget about that condor
do yourself a favor and get a Rhin0 7 red pill. She will think you are Ron Jeremy. Best $7 I ever spent
DO NOT jerk off first.
Don't worry about cumming too fast. If the girl is cool she can wait the 30 min for you to be ready to go again.
Size does not matter. If you go into this with no confidence you will perform horribly. Go in thinking
>Gee fuckin' golly ima give this bitch sailor legs!
And all should be good.
how do i lead into sex?
like what to do for foreplay
also im terrible at sexy talk, what say?
Have a tactical wank before, keep you mind off what is actually goin on, I often think about the car I'm building just so I don't get too excited. No girl likes to be fingerbashed, that is what 16 year olds do. Play with her clit, don't go for gold, nice and easy with varying speeds and pressure, you'd be surprised how hard you can actually push. And you can never have enough lube. But just have fun man
Everybody is giving u like meme advice a virgin might think sounds like good advice, basically, just touch her a lot first, andif she's a virgin her pussy's guna b really tight and hard to penetrate, so basically get ur dick as hard as it gets first, and then just like run it along her pussy a lil to sorta find the hole n have her guide ur dick in cuz itll b really tight and hard to push in. If shes a virgin remember it'll hurt her a lot and she'll probably bleed a lot, doggystyle is easiest if she's a virgin
Don't expect to last long or even keep your dick hard long enough.
My first time I was nervous as fuck and overthought everything.
Also found out that condoms give 0 pleasure so now I only go bareback. :)
Drink a cup of bleach to help you relax
Stop it. Stop this baby shit.
Do not worry about 1 single thing except fucking her. Just fuck her, even if for only 10 seconds.
The virgin stink and anxiety will melt away really fast. You will be ready to fuck again in like 15 min and you can worry about making it special and good that time.
so me having a 3.5 inch dick (not op) doesn't matter?
u just fucking cum and then u will be still hard so just go on... trust me user
op here.
im 21 and shes 35 btw
also ive never kissed a girl. how do i do that?
Jack off as close to "The Time" as possible, whether it's before you two meet or what. You'll last longe, and your head will be clearer, you won't be madly thrusting into a hole (not fun for her). And don't worry about not being able to get it up later if you jack it, a female up on you like that for the first time will ensure a sturdy stiffy.
Also is an autist, double-wrapping it will make it feel shitty for both of you. There are... issues of friction. Yes, you'll last longer, but neither of you will be enjoying anything.
With all that in mind, just make sure to go with a bit of foreplay. She'll know what she likes, so just gauge her reactions, okay? And if all else fails, flip her on her stomach, bring her ass up to your crotch, and buck --BUCK -- your hips into her while pushing and pulling her waist. Bucking>thrusting, because it'll be easier to hit her Gspot.
This changes everything.
I feel like you're lying. But if not then you really have 0 to worry about, any 35 year old that wants to de-virginize a kissless virgin is weird enough as it is, so who the fuck knows what she will like or not.
Just do whatever you want in the moment, it will be fine.
I had the opposite experience. She came 5 times and I never finished. Went bareback first time too. I eventually gave up.
Put peanut butter on your lips and practice on your dog
If you cant get hard blame it on her ugliness and not your faggotness.
I feel so sorry for you user
not lying.
are u sure?
would it be weird to ask questions while we do it ? like
"do u like that?" or "what do i do now?"
Kiss and lick everything, neck lips, nipples(bite), arms, push clit and try put a finger in your anus.
Sadly true. It's just not all that fun unless you really like the girl (and she's into it to). Most of sex is just make-believe. The act itself, even if done well, isn't what's going to take you over the top.
It's also why married couple often have problems later on. It's hard to keep it interesting.
Not "what do I do now".
Something like "what do you want me to do" would work better.
fuck yourself instead
get ready for a huge fail.
worst sex in your life. you will hesitate a lot, maybe you ll cum before anything. who knows.
proof for those who doubt (reasonably)
also she has to pick me up since i dont have a car yet :/
You know what she looks like right?
Yes. A good lover will tell you what she wants you to do if she wants something, particularly if it's the first time or so. A better question is to just start doing something and say "is this good for you?" Don't ask it too many times, it reeks of unconfidence and will turn her off.
So no eye contact?
Are you angry at the world for giving you a small dick?
yea i met her while visiting a friend last week.
Looks like my ex
You shouldn't have made this thread man.
Feel like you are going to overthink it and possibly ruin the experience.
I'm sure, because life is long and things like this don't matter that much in the grand scheme of your life.
Just be yourself, and try to have fun with it.
Asking if she likes it, or what she wants once you get going is totally fine, hopefully she is nice about it as well and takes control and guides you.
i hope so too.
maybe i have more hiding under my fat pad (i weigh 310lbs) but im not hopeful. cant be mad the world just got dealt a shit hand cant do much about it.
Wait until you're 40.
dick goes straight in the ass then protection
One thing I noticed after losing weight is that my dick definitely felt longer than before
make sure he wears a condom
usain bolt is just putting one leg in front of the other faster than everyone else...
thats not how it works.
Seconding, why should there be eye contact? Wouldn't it be awkward?
Alright take this from a Sup Forumsro who lost his virginity literally last Friday. Just be calm. It really isn't anything to stress over. I was afraid I wouldn't last long and that I wouldn't satisfy her and a bunch of other things but in the end I lasted around 10 - 12 minutes and she came a little after I put it in because of the foreplay. She loved it and so did I. If you stress out it will just overcomplicate things and make it not a thing to remember.