Wealthy anons of Sup Forums, how did you make your money...

Wealthy anons of Sup Forums, how did you make your money? I'm an undeclared freshman in college and trying to figure out how to make fat stacks without doing something like engineering because fuck that.

How did you make your money? How much money do you have? What are your plans? Advice on shit you wish you didn't do? How much did daddy give you? Do you have investments?

Not wealthy anons, why don't you have fat stacks? Were you trying to make fat stacks and goofed, or did you choose a lifestyle that is fat stackless?

Talk to me Sup Forums


bumping for stacks

You're not gonna make fat stacks without either hard work or getting really lucky.


down for hard work, not down for extensive Calc 589 classes

Nobody got rich from hard work you stupid cunt. Be a criminal or join a masonic lodge.

What the fuck is up with these threads?

Go to /biz/ you fucking retard


You could move to a third world country and take over.

fuck drumpf

>Step 1.
>Be born into a wealthy family

I'm 29 and have $700000 across my account right now. I started a tech firm and developed a couple of decent apps and it's really that easy. When I had around $300k floating around I threw a bunch of it at a hedge fund and since then cash has been rolling in.

i'm 27 making 120k a year. i'm a lawson system admin atm. computer science is great. the internet is where the money is at in my opinion.

It looks like everyone on Sup Forums is a broke faggot

If you want money, your dream job probably isn't the way to go.

I have my dream job. I love going to work. I love what I do. So I think my overall happiness is pretty high. But I'm barely making ends meet.

In the field I'm working in, the possibility exists of sudden, unexpected success and getting rich almost overnight. But I'm not expecting that to happen.

Won settlement from an abusive ex who stole and used my info to get envious revenge.

Lifes good.

What field is that?

I don't give a shit about money, even my dream job of studying nature wouldn't pay much and I plan to live off the land. No need for thousands of dollars in the mountains

1. Drop out of college

2. Work for yourself

It is irrelevant what you do

>down for hard work, as long as it isn't hard

Scientists and engineers ironically don't make the most money because business is a retarded pseudoscience that prioritizes itself. I have an engineering degree but I don't practice. I'm hustling my way up through management instead and making 20% more than my peers already.

smart / lucky investments. remember when google used to have a black background to promote sustainability (less white = less energy to power)? ya, i bought a tone of their stock when they were still undiscovered, and cashed in way big, tho not so big that i didn't keep a boatload for future needs : )

if the person who you won the settlement against has no money or anything valuable how do you get the cash?

I took studentsloan when i was 16, i went to denmark and bought half kilo of hash. Sold it and repeated for years, made about 50k/year in todays money. Stopped when i was 25, life is good now.

Worked my ass off on a farm for a year when I was 18 living at home. Working like 60 hours a week. At the end of the year I had nearly fifty grand saved and setup a computer gaming / tabletop gaming store in the city with a good friend.

I'm turning 21 in 3 months and after we got the store off the ground I can afford to pay myself $1500-$3000 a week each for little work depending on sales.

ATM were thinking of investing In something else or another store in another city.

Game dev.