Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Rory-sama claimed

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a grab from Sup Forums.

still here



Oh. Ok then. roll



Does it upset you when they do this??

Not at all. Its just funny when they put it on a teacup because then the already crappy joke doesnt exist anymore.

What if someone else does an edit and it's actually on a mug

Post Mai36

Then they did the joke properly.


Alright then

No wonder Homu kept asking for it.

QOTT: Who are your favorite waifu posters?

I'm going to have to choose either Yuuki or Georgette.

Hello everyone
>juvia claimed
That's a tough one
I'd have to say it's a tie between tali, smugs, hanako, and kanna

Houki, both the regular Tomos and Shinoa.

Of the ones that I still see active often, probably Rory and Houki.
>If only cause I hardly talk to anyone else.

Git down you non convict


Mikura is alright

You're an ex con?

No, just a descendant.


Oh you're an ausfag

Stop it you.

All of them are flaming faggots

We'll tomo who's yours?

Papi. They are long gone though. After that I dont know. I like a lot of people here.


I still need to watch Wangan.

Piano Holo
And Mikura

Ready for easter?

Erp guy

muh grill

I'm not Nano


Nice grill

Didn't he get paid for it?


Hello everyone.

Thank you, friend!

I don't know tbh

Hi hanako

I thought you knew stuff

Hiya Tomoko. How are you?

Looking at world of tanks changes and being confused.

laughing SO HARD at the flim flams
hello rory
sometimes tomo


Rory is a lot of fun

I didnt think I was that mean to you.

i feel like we could be irl friends tbh
atlanta thrashers rebirth when?

no but we don't talk every time unlike every one else on that list.

Well yeah I dont know things.

When Atlanta United FC wins a championship

Chie claimed

Oh, what kind of changes?

> Hug

I...don't know what that is but it sounds soccery
grabs and kisses
today was a good day
and stuff?

It is. It's an Atlanta MLS team. This is their first year

i can't stand soccer desu


Goodnight famalams

They are adding tier 9 and 10 light tanks to the game. Light tanks jobs are to scout enemies for the team. For some reason they decided to nerf the view range on these tanks and the gun handling on them as well. I guess people would scout with them and be able to put effective fire on other tanks when they kitted their tank loadouts with things for reloads and gun handling. I dont know why they would nerf everything though because now these new tanks cant spot targets without running a scout kit and cant deal damage anywhere close to a medium now. They also removed ammo from these tanks lowering their max dmg per game to laughable levels.
And stuff.

I enjoy it, playing more than watching. I played soccer in high school

Oh my~ That;s good to hear. what made it so good?

Huh that sounds kinda stupid of them. But you don't use a light tank though right?


ducks beat calgary at home for the 27th consecutive time and i just got my direct deposit set up and will be getting a 40hr paycheck thursday for only 24 hrs
playing has to be better than watching. soccer is like the 2nd least boring sport to watch followed by golf
what about reasons?

I actually have a tier 7 and tier 6 light tank. These are also receiving the view range nerfs. I dont have good crews in those tanks or the loadouts for them to properly do the job they were intended to do. A medium tank will have higher view range about the same mobility and the potential to do much more damage. Its a load of shit.
None of those really.

It's fun to watch, but only if drinks are involved


Oh nice! How do you like the new job?

Shit that sucks. Might have to start working on a medium tank then.

Just watched Fate of Furious.

Was a nice film, but as any movie, predictable at parts.

then it isn't fun m80
haven't actually started yet so we'll see but it's painting so i mean what's so hard about that


I have a few medium lines going. Its just sad that these and all other light tanks go from being to spot tanks better from 25-60 meters to only outspotting better at 10-30 meters. Thats nothing. Well at least both my light tank lines can still go into a medium that will be infinitely better I guess.

A fitting end or did they leave it open?

Her S-Link was cute as fuck

well, drinks make it more fun for me.

well yeah drinks tend to make everything more fun but if you need drinks for it to be fun then it isn't really fun

Painting isn't hard, it's actually pretty fun. it's just all the setup shit you gotta do before you paint is a bit tedious. Though painting exteriors is much simpler so it'll be a lot easier for you.

Hello there.

Hopefully enough people will complain that they'll fix it. Maybe just do that with one and see how it goes.


A fitting ending, but rather generic.

They did it to all light tanks. Its a shame because even the popular tanks youtubers have complained about this.

good night all

Even without them it's fun for me. But yeah, it can be boring, but some matches are very intense to watch

I guess they cant really continue without Paul. Though The Rock could carry a spinoff or two. People really underestimate how funny he can be on the fly.

'Morning everyone!

Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson and the dark black guy all got a little laugh out of me, mainly because I didn't expect them to pop said joke.

Dwayne made the funny jokes an art form when he cut his wrestling promos.


Well if the pressure on them builds then they'll have to do something.

Chu. Goodnight Tali.

Good morning love~

Goodnight all. It's getting late for me.

Seems so.

Hopefully. Now to decide what to do.

Tali the slut claimed

Good evening sweetheart~
How are you?
Also, sorry I post so late, my sleep schedule is... ugh.
But now I can go for the very last joke you would expect......
>kept you waiting, huh?

> Painus in Uranus
Jesus christ my sides.
>also roll
Play a game?

I'm alright, having a few drinks tonight.
How are you? and how was your Easter?
No worries, i'm happy to talk to you no matter how late it is~
> That Metal Gear reference...
Oh I love you even more now~

I am the best. Only the best.

Yeah but just one.

Time for sleep, goodnight peeps!

Kingdom hearts?

G'night Yuuki.

Chen is objectively the best poster.

He had a lot of good ones.

Ehh. Maybe just more darksouls I guess.

That sounds like a great way to spend the night. Top bad I can join you only with some tea.
And I'm pretty good, just woke up. Well, today's proper Easter so I don't know how will it go, but granny's coming and I hope it'll be a nice dinner with family~
Awwww, you're the sweetest you know that~?
>all for you
Then sit tight: I dreamt about MGS tonight. It was about Snake rescuing Hideo Kojima in GZ only the island looked way different. Quiet was also there helping me somehow and at first I was running around like an idiot so I alerted everyone but then I kinda killed most of them and went sneaky beaky like, then I was running away with a female black cop and we were searching for ammo but in the ammo disposer there were only Skittles and a donut, so she said ammo must be in the second disposer, but it was already too late as SWAT team was inbound and I was hiding behind a car waiting for the sun to set and then Ocelote said something about upgrading the car so I can fight them and a helicopter came by and a giant yellow box on two giant legs was placed on the road and... That's all I can remember. But Shadow Jesus it was amazing!
And how was your Easter sweetie~?

I need to watch more of them.

Can't go wrong with some Souls.