Sup Forums What's are the biggest mistakes guys make when trying to get girls? BTW Advice thread

Sup Forums What's are the biggest mistakes guys make when trying to get girls? BTW Advice thread.

get them pregnant

what if that's what I'm into man

Trying to impress them
Trying to overcompensate
Trying to buy them into sex
Trying to be a player in front of them
Being needy
Being desperate
Having low confidence

Those are the biggest by far

Then you're a whore.

Fuck i do all of those...

I've done 2 of those, and I still can't find success. What's wrong?

so what should one do instead of those?

The exact opposite
Which two?

1) being ugly is #1, because that means she won't fuck you
2) going straight to sex out of desperation and not taking to time to try to figure out if she is easy in general or just really into you

Pretended being a player, and tried impressing her. The reason is because everyone says girls like winners, even when they aren't winning. Winning is a state of mind, and you need to act confident to do it. Also, if they are impressed, they give you a chance. No girl gives you a chance if they aren't impressed. Right?

Being nice to them, don't do it. Women are terrible creatures

Not having enough chloroform on the rag.
Rofeing an ugly girl.

Right but being a winner and being a player is not the same thing. And being a winner has more to do with how you carry yourself than whether you actually are a winner. There are guys that are total fuck ups, but you would never know it by the way they act around women.

Putting energy into it when you are young. Understand younger than early 30s and women have every single advantage and leverage over nearly every man in their age group.

Not treating them like a person honestly... Thinking you can "trick your way in"... Shit just talk with them and that's like all it takes

Tried. Just doesn't work for me. I don't know why, but it just doesn't.

I see. And I've tried acting alpha, but it just doesn't work with me. I hope you have something for that.

Saving "damsels in distress" and "diamonds in the rough" -- girls who come from the wrong side of the tracks but you're gonna win her love and loyalty by saving her from her otherwise crappy life.

This never works. Girls from shit homes are always still loyal to their rotten families and end up just using the nice guy from the good family who put aside his own happiness and opportunities just to help some con artist bitch.

After the two-face bitch uses you and dumps you, she marries some perfect stranger and you and your family who also exhausted themselves helping her, none of you ever existed.

You just have to keep at it. There is no special formula. It's like anything worth having, you keep trying until you get it. Just because one or even 10 girls reject you, doesn't mean you won't catch on and finally get laid.

I hope you're right about this. I just do.

The biggest mistake by far is lack of confidence.
It trumps everything else and magnifies all of your other "faults".

Self-confidence is the key. There are obviously other things that help, but getting self-confidence down will up your "game" immensely.
You can fake it if you need to. Eventually you'll trick even yourself.

The 2nd biggest mistake is simply "giving a fuck". Hitting on someone and failing to get their number happens all the time but it shouldn't matter - it's a meme but there are sooo many chicks out there. The fear of failure (or looking stupid, etc) kills you before you even try. Again, as above, self confidence.
Girls go for the drunk douche who hits on them at the bar and strikes out WAY WAY WAY before they go for the nice dude who calls them pretty on facebook.
The dude striking out knows there are countless girls out there to try and get with, the guy stuck hitting "like" on his crush's inane posts doesn't get jack shit.
Part of "trying to get with girls" is getting the fuck over yourself and not giving a shit what people think, and just putting yourself out there. Get shot down? No big deal. Move on, that's how life is and people will respect that.

Find your natural element in which you are the most excellent just being your true self. It then becomes a probability game of which bitches will sense your aura of contentment and self-assurance and come a-latching onto you. Then from all these clinging hoes you end up spending the most time with the one who makes you feel the most comfortable and confident.

Twenty years later, your first kid will be graduating high school but you'll have two or three more to go after that one.

OK guys, move on the thread is over.

Trust me I've been there. How old r u?


Thanks. But so far, I have been faking it so much that I really have fooled myself. But the problem is that it falls apart so easily, and takes so long to bring back up. And I try not to give a fuck, bu it just hasn't worked like you said. You have good advice, but I'm not sure how successful this will be.

Fucking they're smarter, more talented, tighter, and brighter best friend.


I hope so man

One of my childhood friends grew up to be Chad (6'4", great facial aesthetics and hairline). He literally goes up to 9/10s and 10/10s at bars and clubs and straight up asks if they wanna fuck, like 50% of the time they go for it. I mean, yeah, those girls are sluts, but not even a slut would fuck me. Meanwhile I'm an ugly virgin manlet... feelsbadman

Oh come to hell on, for fucks sake

You're literal high school fags. Do yourselves a favor, ask the hottest chicks at your school out. Whichever one says yes, fuck her that same night. That's the best advice you'll hear here. Once you're in college, join a frat and do the same. Fuck I'm too old for this bullshit

This. You aren't going to see them and they aren't going to remember you after high school anyway

Asking migh be hard. Most of them are taken. Fucking them is the hardest part. And, no, I don't have low confidence. I just haven't gotten to that stage yet. And tips on either of those?

And it's not my fault that you're some frat douche who was born with all the knowledge of this shit, while I struggle day-in and day-out just to do research on what advice has been proven to work, all while hating myself and wanting to bkow my head off with my 12 gauge for having to look up some shit that most people are born with automatically knowing.

Being taken means Jack shit. All that means is you'll have to be a little more smooth/charming, and you may have to use your fists if her bf has a problem. It's up to you if it's worth pussy(hint: it is)

I've always lived my life with people like this. I don't know if I like myself for helping people in shit situations or if I should feel guilty for wasting so much time, most of it at my expense.

I'm assuming your ex did this to you to some extent. What was her trap? Did you actually love her or just take her up as a rescue "project"? I ask this because I'm curious. My first gf/ex always had family life issues and eventually I started doubting my love and questioning if I cared more about helping her out than loving her.

Thanks. But my charm and charisma isn't helping enough, or something. Because I use all that I can, and it still fails.



Was engaged to a girl with shitty parents/family

Tried to redpill her on the situation.

Almost got married, she backed out because parents didn't approve.

>Business owner now
>>Making Paper
>>>Single life is not that bad man

Interesting. I'm almost convinced to buy it.

Whoa whoa, not him but I think you're taking it the wrong way.
What I think he's trying to express is that a problem like this will seem so small later on. It also sounds like you're overthinking it by a fair margin.
In my opinion, you need to stop giving so much of a shit. Pussy comes and goes and you'll definitely get it at some point, likely sooner than you think.
Girls in general are dirt stupid, especially at your age. They aren't looking for a guy who knows exactly what to say at exactly the right time. They are looking for someone fun that their girlfriends will feel jealous about.

Some things to consider:
Stop giving girls attention if they're not fucking you. Girls want attention above everything else by a longshot. If you're giving them attention, they have nothing to gain from you.
Try to be more interesting. I'm not saying you're not - I don't know much about you. But you may not APPEAR interesting to girls. Do shit you enjoy and have fun. Even if it's dorky shit. As stated above, girls want someone confident and FUN (even if it's something nerdy). They want someone to have SOMETHING going on that isn't just waiting at their locker with pick up artist "rules" written in pen on their sweaty palms.
As with self confidence, you can fake being interesting if you have to. A good method is acting too busy for shit. Always have "plans" even if you're making it up.

The big thing you should get from this is that it really doesn't matter. Ask more girls out and learn as you go. STOP STOP over-analyzing all of it. Try to loosen up and.. another cliche, "be yourself".

dont kill the messenger bro.


>be yourself, don't change who you are for a lady, fuck that bro! Did it tooooo many times not to know, you end up looking fake as fuck to your real homies and like a jackass.

>Just get some balls, and be straight up.

>EX: Hey Femnon, I think you're really pretty and i'd like to get to know you more personally, would you like to come out to X with me?

If yes, go go go
If no, no no no.

rinse and repeat

You might be right. I might try that.

ALSO girls who are in this siutation are typically FUCKING HOT.

Just have no maturity because they and the family are fucking degenrates

> "I might try that."
>>Might try that

No might user, do.

Something must be wrong. I've been doing most of those for so long. And it still doesn't work. I don't know what's wrong. Plus, it's true pussy comes and goes, but the thing is that I hate this. I hate being an 18-year-old holdhand-less, kissless virgin in senior year. When people make fun of me, I sweat it off with comebacks, but it just keeps killing me so much. When do that, I just make plans on how to ruin their lives. Like destroying vehicles and setting houses on fire.


Two dubs in a row, nice!

Oh my fuck. I feel lucky now.

Ok, now I'm starting to think either you have other issues that you are dealing with, or this whole thing is an elliot rodgers fun Sup Forums ruse.
I'll re-emphasize that being a guy that isn't getting laid is ridiculously normal for 18 and all of this will seem silly later in life, assuming you're not an hero or in prison.
You'll get there but in the meantime I feel that you don't have to sweat it. Relax, have a drink, play some games with bros.
This is my last post but I believe in you, user.

It really isn't a ruse. But thanks. I'll remeber that.


This is also true

I got triple dubs. I feel fucking invincible right now

and i got dubs in reply to your dubs, which makes quad dubs... dubs fucking everywhere



Keeping them

God has smiled down upon me

How do I invite a girl to anything as grown man without a car living with my mom? Granted, I am in my 20s, it doesn't give me a lot of mobility or alone space.
I been talking to this chick who works next door to me for a little bit, but I don't want her to get bored and move on.

Let them have their way and be a cuck

Show ambition that you want to leave your moms place. Get a car. She would understand and like you for trying. She must be interested if she doesnt snob you.

Wanting them is a big mistake too.

See how girls always go for the guys that already have girlfriends,

Happened to me so many times.when i was with my now ex gf, most of my female friends were crazy for me, but after i became single i don't even have female friends anymore.

This. Happened to me too. Wish i didnt date that ex and was just a fuckboy instead.

Gotta find the right balance of being a fuckboy/doing ur own shit.

Im impressed how well some of my friends do it.

>Sup Forums What's are the biggest mistakes guys make when trying to get girls?
Believing the whole "friendzone" bullshit.

I know guys who have a new girl every weekend. Im trying to learn this skill, Getting there, made a couple of FWB's this month..